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Labour - pissing away taxpayers money: £128 million in bonus payments

Whilst taxpayers have to scrimp & save each penny, worry about losing their job, watch the cost of their negative equity house nosedive and see bills going ever upwards; but what the hell the government says lets find ever more ways to piss away the taxpayers cash against the proverbial wall...

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) paid out £41 million to civilian staff

News of the MoD bonuses come just a month after the department was accused a "gold standard cock-up" over the purchase of eight Chinook helicopters seven years ago. The aircraft are desperately needed in Afghanistan but are still sitting idle in hangars following a string of problems that have increased their cost to £422 million.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) awarded £36 million.

More than £21 million was given out at the Treasury:

Some £19 million to staff at HM Revenue and Customs.

The DWP payed £3.7 million to staff working at the Child Support Agency, even though it is being closed down.

The average bonus for senior staff was more than £7,000 while senior civil servants at the Department of Culture, Media and Sport pocketed an average of almost £11,000.

The payments have been condemned as "rewards for failure" by the Conservatives, who pointed to a string of high-profile failures across government departments. But a Whitehall spokesman said the bonuses ensured that civil servants "go that extra mile".

**Go that extra mile, quite what the fuck is that supposed to mean? The fuckers are paid to do a job, a job that they do to a substandard level and at huge expense anyway. Giving them a bonus would be like popping a few quid into Harold Shipmans pocket for killing off OAP's.

Quite what is the point of paying someone to do a job, when like the MOD they cock it up and still receive a fucking bonus on top of it?

Still so long as the champagne socialist MP's in power get their cocks sucked off by their bum boys and/or secretary's who they also employ at the taxpayers expense, why should they care?

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