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Shahid Malik - If you are not happy you can always leave...

Britain's first Muslim minister has attacked the growing culture of hostility against Muslims in the United Kingdom, saying that many feel targeted like "the Jews of Europe".

Shahid Malik, who was appointed as a minister in the Department for International Development (Dfid) by Gordon Brown last summer, said it has become legitimate to target Muslims in the media and society at large in a way that would be unacceptable for any other minority.

Mr Malik made clear that he was not equating the situation with the Holocaust but warned that many British Muslims now felt like "aliens in their own country". He said he himself had been the target of a string of racist incidents, including the firebombing of his family car and an attempt to run him down at a petrol station.

"I think most people would agree that if you ask Muslims today what do they feel like, they feel like the Jews of Europe," he said. "I don't mean to equate that with the Holocaust but in the way that it was legitimate almost – and still is in some parts – to target Jews, many Muslims would say that we feel the exact same way.

"Somehow there's a message out there that it's OK to target people as long as it's Muslims. And you don't have to worry about the facts, and people will turn a blind eye."

**Well where oh where to start, first off Mr Malik says little about the moslem attacks on infidels - the non moslem population of the UK - other than to whine that it has caused some ill feeling for moslems.

Well has it crossed the no doubt closed mind of Mr Malik that some of this ill feeling may come from followers of his religions actions:
Like say petty minded complaints about dogs used in police adverts. Oh and 9/11, 7/7, the Glasgow airport attack(well done again to John Smeaton on that one), the failed bombs planted in London; along with constant whining about demanding Sharia law to run alongside our own legal system.
As for the whining Mr Malik and others have quoted this:
An ICM survey done for the documentary shows a narrow majority of 51 percent of Britons blame Islam to some degree for the bombings. Eight out of 10 Muslims said they felt there was more religious prejudice against their faith since the bombings.
Well would it be logical to assume that should moslems stop blowing and/or attempting to blow shit up then there would be less prejudice against them. Just a small point I know but us kuffir do get annoyed with the Umma constantly attempting to kill us, sorry about that old chap but that is how it is.

Sorry that we won't all despite the best efforts of our political masters become good dhimmis.

As I said at the start, should Mr Malik feel that this nation which has welcomed moslems in for over 40 years, both from the former Empire colonies, through to those kicked out from Uganda is no longer a welcoming place. Well he has the option of selling up and leaving to whatever nation in Dar al-Islam( دار الإسلام ) feels would be more suitable to his needs.

As for this nation it is a place where moslems can live freely, so the Jewish comparison is both inaccurate and insulting. But no doubt Mr Malik will be still thinking of the UK as some form of Dar al-Harb( دار الحرب) and all the western people as Harbi.

I for one would like him to leave, Inshalla, let it be so.

He could piss off and listen to this chap who states "Where ever you find a kafir you kill them" - Religion of peace Mr Malik?...

4 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

And when he goes can he take the other 2million muzzi shits with him.

Fidothedog said...

Except for the ones who preform vital services like providing Kebabs and taxis...

Anonymous said...

Leave???? - Are you for real????

It will be us and our dogs that are forced out under New Labour!!!!


Anonymous said...

I sick of this guilt trip nonsense.

It wasn't me that firebombed his car, it isn't me that's attacking moslems.

The fact is that if the government whom he is a part of wasn't so soft on crime then there would be less attacks by these mindless thugs.