

The National Debt Clock.

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Pensioner living costs up by one third over 10 years.

Pensioners have seen the cost of the goods and services they use soar by more than a third during the past 10 years, research has showed.

Maybe all those pensioners should check out this list of MP's who voted to keep the gravy train running along,very nicely thank you kindly.(click to check if your MP is someone greedy or not)

All of whom voted to keep their nice cushy perks, the so called John Lewis list of free stuff they can blag at taxpayers expense, the free cash for second homes along with everything else they steal off of us the workers of this land.

While pensioners have to scrimp and save to eat, something that MP's get a £400 allowance for, oh and it might be worth asking your MP as well quite why it is that a Labour government has not re-established the link between pensions and earnings despite being in power for 11 years?...

Then when they see that they have to struggle to pay the bills and that their MP is a total tool who gets his bills paid from their taxes and who cares not a jot if they starve to death, they should at the next election vote for someone, anyone else.

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should re-direct the old and infirm to pensioner Flynn, whose own personal "Pension fund" has gone through the roof in the same ten years of which you speak.

Ah Socialism!!!!

Equality for everyone.....

Except that is, those like Comrade Flynn, whom disparagingly seek to impose it!!!

Fidothedog said...

Exactly so, all animals are created equal but some more so than others.

Of course the animals in the Labour party see themselves as very very important, far more so than the plebs they claim to represent...