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New Labour - Snooper state.

New Labour spying on the public: link
The sex lives of council-tax payers are being secretly monitored by local authority inspectors to establish whether residents claiming single person’s discounts are really living alone.

Undercover snoopers are being used to find out how often lovers visit and whether supposedly single residents are sharing a bed every night with the same person.
They appear to miss the point of "living alone" which is one person living in a property, should that person have someone or indeed several persons over for the night that really is no business of the state.
Local authorities have adopted the techniques after the government urged them to carry out “spot checks” on properties where a single-person council-tax discount is claimed. Councils are also demanding that householders give access to their bedrooms in return for the single-person discount. Inspectors can use the searches to check bedrooms for evidence of live-in lovers not disclosed to the authorities.
God I hate them, authoritarian cunt bubbles the lot of them. Any excuse for the champagne socialists to snoop into peoples lives.

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