The below article was sent to me and has been written about the odious liar and libel case losing MP Paul Flynn. I have copied and pasted the entire article in full (link to original above) and feel that this should have a wider audience.
Before I start I would advise that Mr Flynn's word is not one to be trusted, first off we have his libel case and I would also add that despite losing and being forced to pay £36K damages he still firmly believes that he did no wrong: Link
9th August 2008.
In an earlier piece, Anatomy Of A Closed Mind, we explained why we did not want to engage further with this particular Member of Parliament."
"We try to stay away from hypocrites mainly because they lack any logic. Mr Flynn campaigns for all illegal drugs to be decriminalised."
"They include, but are not limited to:"
"Chrystal Meth"
"Crack Cocaine"
"Magic Mushrooms etc."
But, and this is important to grasp, he only wants tobacco to be a controlled substance. What a twisted world he lives in."
And it gets worse. If you follow the link below you will discover that Mr Flynn lives in a very strange world where it is acceptable to retrospectively alter not only his own comments on his blog, but yours as well."
As we have previously stated, it is his blog, his rules. We accept that. We have deleted comments on our own forum that we felt were libellous, slanderous, or deliberate flaming attempts. Deleting comments is fine. At least you know where you stand"
Mr Flynn seems to occupy his time by trawling back through hundreds of comments, changing a word here, a sentence there, with the effect that what you (or he) had originally said either makes you look bad, or, more commonly, makes him look good"
"We think this is despicable behaviour for an MP. Whilst he may not be speaking for his party, there are certain standards that we hold them to.
Rewriting comments to suit his argument is shameful
Is this the sort of MP that Labour want representing them? Are his constituents aware that this is what he gets up to?
We think not.
The Labour party itself is in disarray. It is in meltdown. The unthinking are led by the inept. We have had inept governments in the past, but this one is worthy of an award.
But with MP's of such low calibre, like Mr Flynn here, is it any surprise that they continue to fail?
Mr Flynn states very clearly on his blog that he replied (to me) with regard to the letter we sent to all MP's. This is a lie. I received no such reply.
Mr Flynn implies that we are funded by tobacco companies. Another outrageous lie, unsupported by any evidence whatsoever
Today we demand that Mr Flynn retracts this statement and apologises publicly, or proves the claim.
We do not expect him to do so. From what we have learnt about this odious man, he will, in all probability, simply rewrite the line."
We know he cannot prove that we accept tobacco funding because it is a fallacious claim."
"Is Mr Flynn able to do the right thing?"
"We'll let you know."
Go To Story
These photos are off his website.Here is his "tribute to 9/11"
Truely a fine example of the sort of mad haired old moonbat that we need in the House of Commons, still once the fine people of Newport realise what he is like he shall be kicked out come the next election....
3 people have spoken:
Thank fuck he deleted my comments on his odious website en-mass.
He really is a vile piece of scum. A born liar and a re-writer of public comments made in good faith - Even Comrade Kelly wouldn’t stoop to that! This bastard needs to feel the full force of public ire against him and his disgusting party. The man is utter filth!
Thanks for your comment on my blog and for the background on Mr. Flynn, the dissembling old sausage.
Have linked you etc.
Best wishes,
Comrade Kelly did exactly that often.
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