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Tesco - Ty-Glas back office to close: Jobs to go to India.

A little bird has told me that Tesco are closing their back office in Ty-Glas on the outskirts of Cardiff. From what I have been informed, the work is gradually being shipped out to offices in India to save costs.

By Feb 2009 the plan is to have culled off most of the jobs here.

So maybe this is what our PM Neil Kinnock, sorry Gordon Brown meant when he stated "British jobs for Indian/British workers."

Still "Every little helps" as Tesco say oh so fucking often in their adverts.

Maybe we should remember that when workers over here are being laid off so as to help this huge organisation employ workers in the former British Raj.

I for one shall be spending more of my money in the local shops and Tesco can put their clubcard points where the monkey puts his nuts.

On a lighter note Angry ranting man spotted this one.
I liked his comment:
"I must have a wander around to the fruit and vegetables section next time I'm in. I may need to pick up some apple's, banana's and other fruit's."

Wrote an e-mail to Cardiff MP Julie Morgan about this, shall update with a reply if any comes back my way. Think she covers Ty Glas but if anyone knows different then please let me know.

Dear Julie Morgan,

I am not sure if you are aware of Tesco's plans to close the TY-Glas office, with the workers both agency and Tesco staff being laid off by Feb 2009.

The work is in the process of being off-shored to their offices in India, a cost cutting measure designed to increase the profits of Tesco and to damage the economy of Ty-Glas and Cardiff by the removal of work from the local economy.

As MP for this area, can I ask if you will be bringing this up with Tesco and hopefully helping to save local jobs.

Thus backing Gordon Browns "British Jobs for British workers" campaign.

Yours sincerely,

**I thought the backing the British workers campaign was a nice touch.
Gordon gives Tesco the thumbs up!

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Have you put your findings to comrade Flynn? - Surely this is a cause that he'll be foaming at the mouth to take up. A Jewish firm taking jobs from his own constituency and re-assigning them to India.

There again perhaps not – The good Comrade seems to care about one thing, and one thing only – and that’s the good Comrade.

Can we be sure that the commenters that he agrees with on his blog, aren’t just his own made-up, pseudonyms?

Fidothedog said...

Flynn would not care, not sure which MP that comes under. May look it up later and e-mail them anyway.