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Polly Toynbee - Poison filled New Labour filth.

Polly Toynbee has produced an opus of fucking shyte...
The gap between rich and poor is wider than ever. But that doesn't seem to bother Britain's wealthiest earners. In an extract from their new book, Polly Toynbee and David Walker describe the jaw-dropping arrogance they encountered when they asked some of the fat cats to justify their lives of luxury
Well like I give a flying fuck quite how much some "fat cat" to use Polly's term earns. Seriously I care not a jot what is in anyone elses pay packet, and if they are lucky enough to be swimming in cash then good luck to them.

Nor might I add do I want their money, what I would like is a tax system that takes into account that my partner is out of work on sick and unable to claim a fucking bean off of Gordon's government; were we to separate she could but fuck that for a game of soldiers. What I need is a tax break, hell a tax cut would help but Gordo aint listening.

But lets get back to Polly, she who clears over £100,000 a year from writing her shyte for Grauniad towers, plus whatever else she makes aside from that. Including her wanky books.

Shall I mention that she also has a villa in Tuscany that she flies off to as oft as she chooses, whilst bleating on to the rest of us about CO2 emissions.

Who wants to see what everybody earns and then refused to disclose her own salary

Who sent her offspring to private schools but wants us to use the failing state system.

Who demands that we pay more taxes.

Best bit is this, oh by best I mean the bit that shows Polly Toynbee has not got a fucking clue:
"None of us like to feel guilty about our comfortable lives"

Yet this is exactly what Polly in her shitty little book is trying to do, put the guilt onto the high earners. Whilst not seeing herself as one of those very same high earners.

Polly says that many of these people are out of touch with how the poor live and the average wage, well I earn less than that and have to support my partner who gets not a damn bean off of the state. I will go as far as this, Polly could not live on my wage, support a partner on my wage and has no clue as to how angry I am over her one eye'd nordic warrior Gordon fucking up the economy for me and mine.

Polly Toynbee a classic Champagne socialist of the old school. The sort who in the former Soviet Union had a driver for the Zil and claimed the mobs queuing outside the empty shops were living in paradise.

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Akshly Polly T did announce live on BBC Radio what she earnt earlier this year, and she can harldy be accused of being New Labour.

Fidothedog said...

What with her siren love calls to her norse warrior Gordo I think she can, plus it took her long enough to come clean over her earnings...