

The National Debt Clock.

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sarah palin to be his McCains vice presidential candidate.

Senator McCain has selected Sarah Palin to be his vice presidential candidate.

Lets hope that America has the free market Republicans in the White House rather than the communisttax and spend policies of Barrack & co.

Americans should talk a look at the UK, with rising prices, stagnant economy, huge bloated government, sleaze, corruption, rising unemployment, falling house prices and run by an unelected, unanswerable group of socialists led by a dour old school socialist.

If they vote Barrack then after a few years the US will be in as big a fiscal mess as the UK.

Barrack the man of soundbites, the man of smiles, a US version of Tony Blair was tried to be all things to all people and failed them all.**She is on the BBC (a station I normally try to avoid) now and talking about reducing taxes, would that our politicians could do that.

Gordon Brown PM, a man who makes me so angry I could punch his lights out

1 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Socialism: a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

Now how in the name of Greek buggery are any of the people you (rightly) lambast socialist? Oh yeah- they aren't. Still never mind. Never let the facts intrude, right?

It's just laziness, akin to the yank republicans calling everything that doesn't fit their mindset liberal, even when it isn't. It's like the Orwellian sheep- bleating "Four legs good, two legs bad" instead of acknowledging the issue.

And the reason it's so lazy is that there are actual socialists in the current political sphere who are both easy and legitimate targets: Scargill for one. Galloway for another. I could go on.

It seems you subscribe to the American way of "football hooligan" bullshit politics where you support the brand rather than address the issues, but not all issues can be solved with a dogmatic one-line approach. But hey, that's your prerogative and I support it (by reading this blog every day).

New Labour are as much enemies of socialism- for they have done much to destroy what little socialist ideology remained in the Labour Party- as they are free will.