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Community Safety Accreditation Schemes: New Labour Stasi policing.(post 2)

I covered this the latest piss poor plan from dire Home Sec. and kebab muncher Jacqui Smith here

Today in the Daily Mail, Littlejohn covers the subject:

George Orwell's 1984 was supposed to be a warning about the dangers of totalitarianism, not a blueprint for government.

No one seems to have told New Labour. Barely a day goes by without another assault on our civil liberties, another extension of state snooping, another exciting ruse for meting out punishment for the most trivial offence.

This week’s outrage is the news that Home Secretary Jacqui Smith is creating a whole new vigilante class of quasi-policemen, drawn from the ranks of Town Hall jobsworths, security guards and car park attendants.

They’ll be allowed to wear uniforms, patrol the streets with dogs, confiscate property and hand out fixed-penalty notices for everything from littering to under-age drinking.

It’s emerged that there are 1,400 of these Accredited Persons out there already, and their numbers will soon swell into the thousands.

They have the power to stop cars, take photos of people, demand names and addresses and issue fines.

For now, they wear badges sewn onto their tunics by their employers...

Just think of the sort of semi-literate, untrained, mindless drones who believe that rules are rules and to be obayed at all costs who will be filling the ranks of these "new police"

Littlejohn makes the point that this was exactly what the PCSO's were supposed to be doing...

Hang on, wasn’t that what David Blunkett’s Plastic Plods were supposed to do? So what’s the difference between a Police Community Support Officer and an Accredited Person? Very little, except Accredited Persons don’t have the power to detain suspects.

The ranks of PCSOs are comprised of people who are too stupid to pass the entrance exam for the real police. You won’t even have to be that bright to become an Accredited Person.

It’s not difficult to imagine the class of person who would want to be accredited — pig-thick playground bullies; the sort of swaggering oaf you see at your local Arndale Centre, done up like a member of the NYPD and swinging his walkie-talkie like a six gun; sexual inadequates who seek solace in prying into the private lives of others; the scum of the earth who become wheel clampers; Max and Paddy pub bouncers in bomber jackets; and illegal immigrants presently working as traffic wardens.

These are the kind of characters the Home Secretary thinks should be a.‘key component of the extended police family’....

As per the PCSO's he makes the very valid point of abuse of power:

You know from bitter experience that if you give anyone in authority any kind of power they will always, always, always abuse it.

In this case, the scope for abuse is almost unlimited. Any villain can pull on a hi-viz jacket, slap a sheriff ’s badge on his lapel, arm himself with a clipboard and a fake two-way radio and start stopping cars and demanding entry to people’s homes.

How will anyone, especially the elderly and vulnerable, be sure who is ‘accredited’ and who isn’t?

Labour has trashed the notion of privacy, torn up the idea that an Englishman’s home is his castle.

Under the hardline communists of New Labour the ways that the state can enter your home has rocketed. Hundreds of new powers of entry have been created since 1997, including ones relating to illegal gambling, congestion charging, high hedges and weapons of mass destruction.

Some 753 separate “big brother” provisions in acts of parliament and a further 290 minor regulations. A total of 430 of these powers have been approved by parliament since Labour came to power.

A standing army of inspectors and enforcers has statutory power to demand entry
to our property. Our private records, bank accounts, emails and phone calls are an open book.

Town Halls use laws designed for anti-terrorism operations to sift through people’s rubbish, mount Spooks-style surveillance operations against people suspected of living ten yards outside a school catchment area and use satellite technology to spy on anyone guilty of adding a conservatory without declaring it to the tax department.

The law needs to be enforced but it needs a real police officer to do that, the PCSO's have failed, as will the new "Community Safety Accreditation Schemes" just wait for the stories of small cock'd wankers picking on elderly grandads for taking a photo of their kids in the wrong area...

But it should be done by properly trained, properly accountable police officers.

Good policing starts from the bottom up, not the top down. If ministers really cared about ‘anti-social behaviour’ they would get the police out on the streets, feeling collars and dragging hooligans before the courts.

But Labour is about box-ticking, target-hitting and quotas. That’s why they favour fixed-penalty fines and cautions.

It all goes towards the ‘clear-up’ rate. And because they’ve failed to provide enough prison places, real criminals are walking free.

Littlejohn finishes with the classic line:

What would Orwell have made of it?


5 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

And on the streets of London,

And heres Jacquis scheme in action

KG said...

Perhaps one day the people will rise up and hang a selection of these bastards.
I'll raise a glass to Old England if that happens.

Fidothedog said...

KG give it another year or so and the one eye'd bastard Brown will be out on his arse.

IanPJ said...

And when Brown is out, and the Tories are in, will they have either the balls or the inclination to put a stop to this


More on the CSAS Stasi con.

Anonymous said...

Or perhaps consider, what would Orwell have made of Littlejohn (Or Little John Thomas, as he's known on Fleet Street, even by staffers at the Daily Wail).