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Highways Agency - Authoritarian cunts: Sign for Black Dog banned.

More state fuckwittery here..
Ban on pub signs to stop drink-driving

The Highways Agency backed a move by Wiltshire County Council to block signs pointing drivers towards pubs – leading to concerns from trade chiefs that it could set a precedent.

Tom and Trisha Russell, who run the Black Dog in Chilmark, have built their business on passing trade from the A303. But the couple have now been ordered to remove their road sign – two and a half years after it was put up. “Up to 60 per cent of our lunchtime and weekend trade comes from weary drivers pulling over to take a break, entertain whining children and have some food,” Tom said. “Without our sign no-one will know we are here.
So much for free trade and the right of a business to advertise itself. Under the socialist puritans of Wiltshire County Council and the Highways Agency drink is evil. Signs telling people where to get a drink must therefore be banned.

After all someone may drink and drive.
“We offer a take-a-break service and prevent people from driving when they are too tired. Our trade should be encouraged not penalised – we stand to lose 30 per cent of our business.”
Jacqui Ashman, planning manager for a regional a department of the agency, wrote: 'The sign contains several lines of text and is therefore distracting to motorists.'
Well there is the sign and it actually contains 5 lines of text, could that be defined as several? Quite how thick do the Highways Agency think the plebs are?
'It is also advertising the use of a public house to motorists, potentially providing the temptation to drink and drive while using a long distance trunk route.'

She added: 'No alcohol is allowed to be served or consumed in service stations on motorways as a matter of principle.

'We would wish to continue this principle by not encouraging drivers to break their journey in a public house.'
Look at the argument this woman uses "potentially providing the temptation to drink and drive" well I could potentially do anything, she is stating that due to some obscure risk that a crime may be committed the sign must be removed.

Jacqui Ashman a woman with not enough real work to do and far to much time on her hands, a statist authoritarian fuckhole who symbolizes all that is wrong with this nation.

Maybe if she and others like her stuck to their jobs rather than getting some orgasmic fix from meddling and throwing of their weight at the people who pay their wages this nation would be far better off.

Then again Wiltshire County Council are just as big a bunch of cunts for starting this shit in the first place, councils should stick to emptying bins and repairing roads rather than pushing us around. Cunts the lot of them.

3 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

why don't they just ban everything from midnight tonight. It would save them a lot of trouble,and at least us plebs would know exactly where we stand.

Anonymous said...

If I could be arsed I'd love to go sit outside Wilts CC office drinking tinnies & leave them for Jacky (why are thick bimbos & chavs always called Jacky and always with a 'cute' spelling?) to pick up.

Fidothedog said...

Cheers anons, banning that sign is just arse.