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One million quid to New Labour from JK Rowling

J. K. Rowling has donated 1 million pounds to the Labour Party: Reuters

I am sure that come the next honours list she will be Dame Rowling of Hogwarts...

She said:
"The Labour government has reversed the long-term trend in child poverty, and is one of the leading EU countries in combating child poverty," said the nation's richest author, whose fortune was recently estimated at 560 million pounds.
Well they have actually increased the divide between rich and poor and put more children into poverty, still each to their own she can spunk her money away any way she chooses...

There is a facebook group to boycott JK Rowling, another silly woman who thinks that more of the same tax and spend will get the poor out of poverty rather than making their lives worse.

Still I am sure that The Guardian will be giving her books good reviews for many years to come and that sort of publicity is well worth a million quid...

Update - found this pic below over at obonoxio the clown
But the stupidity gets ever better the piss poor leader, El Gordo said he was delighted to have the backing of
"one of the world's greatest ever authors".
What the fucking fuck is he on about? Worlds greatest ever authors? Do fuck off dear chap, she writes fantasy fiction for children. Sure she has made a fucking packet but worlds greatest author, not a fucking chance.

Hell Banks, Gemmell, Turtledove, Pratchet plus so so many more piss over her works without even breaking into a sweat. Still cyclops has to say that after all a million quid will come in rather handy with regards sorting out Labour party finances.

Another parody from the lakelanders view

And yet another spot of piss takery.... From Curley's Corner.
Lasty we have this one...

8 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Your casual homphobia notwithstanding, what do you right whingers say now? Your capitalist system is grinding to a halt. Your beloved fatcats are stealing as much of my tax money as any government ever did to propagate their futuire profits, but while the profits are private, the liability is public!

It is like the soviet bloc- ailing and shitty businesses being propped up by the state while sycophants praise leaders like the jackass Bush to the skies for implementing this hateful plan.

Greed and selfishness brought this calamity and now the capitalists cry and gnash their teeth. No wonder the Muslims and the Chinese and Russians are eating us alive. They are playing at our game and winning while we shit ourselves and duck the responsibilities and consequences of our actions- and you see fit to blame the left, who warned this would happen, who predicted this, who are completely disenfranchised politically- no voice for reason when even labour is a tory instuitution.

Suck it up, right whingers. This shitstorm is YOUR fault, but like the parasitic lickspittles you so worship, you will not accept the failings of greed.

Anonymous said...

Stupid cow. There are plenty of childrens charities that could have put the money to good use. Instead it will be used to destroy our country.

Fidothedog said...

JK a brain dead leftie who believes that old fag queen Gordon can put it all right if we are just taxed enough....

She is almost as thick as sleeping dragon.

Anonymous said...

what do you right whingers say now? Your capitalist system is grinding to a halt. Your beloved fatcats are stealing as much of my tax money as any government ever did to propagate their futuire profits, but while the profits are private, the liability is public!

It is only a liability to the public, you fucking cretin, because the object of your wanking, Brown and socialism, made it a public debt.

Do you really think that capitalism is done because of a hiccup in the financial markets? you really are a deluded fucking prick if you do.

Mind you the polls would suggest the people still want capitalism, so fuck off.

Only fucking cock sucking arse bandits go on about homophobia.

Anonymous said...

JK Rowling is pretty talentless as a writer, as most writers know, and is the product of spin and marketing by the media industry.

She is a friend of Brown's and when you hear her whine about when she was a single parent, actually she wasn't as such but divorced and why wasn't she collecting alimony? Anyways, where was the fucking stupid cow? She was in Edinburgh, that capital of at that time the Labour party state, and what did they do for her? Fuck all. Also, she says about child poverty as defined by Labour; there are no poor kids today in the sense that anyone over 30 really knows about.

She's a fucking idiot and this will harm her far more than benefit labour, and good fucking thing too.

I find it telling that Labour, her and Brown think, at the start of the Labour conference, is going to sway or say anything to the public; they are all deluded.

Anonymous said...

And what does she care if El-Gordo fucks us up the arse even further?

What will she say then?

O.K. - I admit - I was terribly wrong, but now I must bid you a fond farewell and leave with my money!!!

Typical Champagne Socialist!!

KG said...

Christ! You could use what's between sleeping dragon's ears as a radiation shield.
Seldom have I seen such density in ambulatory form....
Rowling's just another feelgood fuzzy moron. Never mind the facts, it feels good so do it.

Anonymous said...

bad breath with delusions of grandeur said, "what do you right whingers say now?"


We point the finger of blame to the dumb fuckwit leftoid (yes I know redundant) who MANDATED the lax lending standards and kicked off the credit boom. Bill gladhand (with other folks money) Clinton.