

The National Debt Clock.

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£500 billion bail out - or £16,000 for each and every one of us.

Pic from: http://saxontimes.blogspot.com/2008/10/imaginary-money.html

So lets see, Gordon claims that the banks need "regulation" and have made many mistakes. He claims to be the man to resolve all of this and get things back on track. Well may I just ask quite why he has been happy to let the credit bubble build up for 11 fucking years, first as Chancellor and later as PM whilst doing precisely fuck all?

Now he is to bail out the banks with our money, mistakes they caused by lending money to people without a pint pot to piss in and it shall cost us a mere £16,000 a pop.

Gordon Brown is a cunt, a total cunt and an expensive one at that.

**The Daily Mash have it just about right:
"THE government is to invest £500bn of your money in British banks so they can lend it back to you with interest.

The historic move is being hailed as a lifeline for the financial system as long as nobody asks too many questions.

Julian Cook, chief economist at Corbett and Barker, said: "The government will give your money to the banks so the banks can start lending you that money, probably at around 7% APR.

"Thanks to all the interest you're paying on your own money, the banks will make billions of pounds again and normality will be restored.

"After a few years of this the government will cash in the bank shares it bought with your money and use the profits to build a huge fucking dome somewhere."

He added: "In case you hadn't already worked it out - the entire global financial system is predicated on the assumption that you're an idiot."

Chancellor Alistair Darling said the decision had been taken in tandem with the banking industry, adding: "They used a lot of dirty words I'd never heard before and one of them had an angry looking dog."

Meanwhile, Emma Bradford, a sales manager from Bath, said: "Why doesn't the government just give my money to me so I can buy stuff from businesses who will then make a profit and put it in a bank?"

But Mr Darling insisted: "Shut up.""
Oh and this:
**The FTSE closed on 01 May 1997 at 4,445.00 and currently it is at 4,365.54. 11+ years of James Gordon Brown dithering, clunking and general clusterfucking all he touches and the FTSE is right cunting back where it started. Oh we are now in debt, taxed to the hilt, over regulated, flooded by migrants and really really really fucking pissed off.

Gordon Brown a man who makes me so angry I could punch his lights out

2 people have spoken:

MathewK said...

It's a valid question to ask, what the hell was he and new liabour doing all this time. Australia is getting hit as well, but thanks to the previous conservative government, the pain is not quite as bad as elsewhere.

i heard the other day that New Zealand was going into recession, the difference between us being, they had Labour under their belt for the last decade or so. Time to put Gordon and his clunking and screwing up out to pastures where it's not your money they're burning through.

Anonymous said...

Strange how Gordon can pull £500 billion from out of his arse when the banks need it but if you happen to be dying of cancer there may be no money available for drugs. Now normally i would never wish for a person to develop cancer but i think in Gordons case i might make an exception.
Cunt is far too nice a word to describe Gordon.