Some woman gets the sack and Brand has resigned, still a cunt but slightly less of one for doing so. Personally Andrew Sachs has handled the whole thing in a very dignified way, which has made this pair and the Beeboids in BBC management defending them look even bigger cunts than they otherwise would have had Mr Sachs kicked off and demanded testicles on the chopping block.
Ross, on the other hand has proven all my original thoughts of him as a money loving grasping coward. No doubt he will after a short "period of pennance" attempt to do the reformed celeb routine via various magazine articles and such like. However I for one hope that Ross's career takes a fucking dive the cowardly little cunt.
Still at least the cunt is off air for a whole three months and hopefully will have the dignity to shut the fuck up for the whole of that time, however I doubt that very much.
Needless to say I look forward to slating this little cunt whenever he sticks his fucking head up ready to shot at.
**Oh and Ross may be ready to offer support to McBottler our unelected PM, however McBottler sensing the wind change came out to condemn Ross. I wonder if Ross is still going to be popping over to No.10 for nibbles and drinkies and make a big thing of offering him his vote come election day?...
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11 people have spoken:
DISCLAIMER: Humour is subjective. I won't stoop to abusive name calling if you don't. I've seen what happens to dissenting voices on here and I just wanted to add an opinion. It's not much of a philosophy I know... but.. fuck you! Fuck off! Don't come bothering me!
IMO, the sad thing about Brand apart from his hair is that (and leaving personal politics aside for a minute, his leftie leanings are a matter of record) he doesn't need to do all this stupid shit to get his laughs. His audience finds that dichotomy of cockney-urchin and erudite observer quite beguiling- I admit it took me a while to get but I'm something of a fan. When he's not acting like a hebephrenic twat he's very amusing.
But this is Manuel he's fucked with. Big mistake. Sachs might be revealed as a thoroughly unpleasant man but we would always revert to that sympathy we held for his character Manuel: go on, you can't imagine him ever being anything other than avuncular, perhaps bumbling a little in his dotage, right? I can't, anyway.
What does piss me off, and always would, is the record number of complaints that have been made. You ever read Viz comic? You remember Meddlesome Ratbag? Well, how many complainants do you suppose actually listened and were offended and how many are just jumping on a passing bandwagon? I betcha they were the same ones harassing the blameless at the Sun's instigation during it's laughable yet gravely disturbing paedophile witch-hunt (two innocent men badly beaten, one paediatrician for fuck's sake forced to flee her home, no actual scumbags burned or put away) or all the stupid cunts who had all the answers when that McCann girl went missing.
Late one, I agree that they picked the wrong person to mess with, Manuel is a legend but I also think it's struck a nerve of a lot of people that has been jarring for a long time and this incident that let the dam burst.
The standards of decency and acceptable standards have fallen so much in the country and for a long time. Ordinary folk have been unhappy with it yet have been voiceless due to being tarred with slurs and innuendos from the liberal do-gooders. You put this with the current situation where folk are worried if they are going to have the money next month to pay the bills, they're not going to be bothered with aforesaid slurs and innuendo's.
I've got a feeling that if the BBC thinks this will die down then they're onto a hiding for nothing.
This was a good one to hear, some just desserts being passed around to those deserving it.
Late One - They did wrong and got a kicking an rightly so.
I've just listened to the programme on youtube and fully agree with the controversy. So much so that I have sent a complaint into the BBC.
Apart from what has already being said, what really gets me is that if I or any other joe blogs had done this and was found out we would be getting investigated by the police and most likely charged at least for making disturbing phone calls.
i think your talking rubbish[****]
it was a joke!..GET OVER IT!
seriously..its no big deal.
okay fair enough they went to far but arresting them? They are funny and doing there job.
And all this press about this has made people go and listen to the radio show and then send in their compliants but if they hadnt had bad press about it then they wouldnt have had half the complaints that they have had. Most of the people complaining have never listended to the show and it's meant for teenage audiences and not adults so stop winging and just stay out of it!
so yeah.
Anon a joke that many found in bad taste, oh and abusive phone calls are illegal by the way.
Anonymous @ October 31, 2008 1:22:00 AM
Sorry, It wasn't a joke. I've listened to the programme on youtube and it reminded me of playground antics where everybody would gang up and make fun of the lonely fat kid behind their back yet are nice when face to them. It is cruel, heartless and cowardly.
Late one.
Joe public does not fund the viz, they unfortunately fund the BBC.
The BBC dropped the likes of Jim Davidson and wouldn't allow Bernard Manning on their channel because they deemed them offensive yet they allow this filth on. Make no doubt about it, if the press did not kick up a stink, nothing would have been done about it. It is nothing but hypocrisy.
I support them getting a well deserved kicking, nothing in my original post to say otherwise. I reject the witch-hunting which- and let there be no doubt- would not have manifested were it not for the fact that the traditionally Tory press has a vendetta aginst the Beeb (yes, I KNOW, Pravda, commie, etc) and that one of the offenders is a Grauniad columnist.
And yes, I concede that were it not for the hysteria, the Beeb may have buried it and hoped for it to go away. But I reject the continued hysteria which, since Sachs has accepted the apology and described himself as "pleased" with the outcomes now becomes self righteous harping, with people determined to throw a hissy fit on someone else's behalf.
I hope the line that has been drawn- you can't just fuck with people, particularly not an old boy who is broadly loved- remains observed.
I suppose I have a bit of a worry now that other programs like Mock the Week or Have I Got News For You will now face censorship and censure.
Thanks to all for their restraint in replying- I'm sure one or two of you must've just wanted to call me a commie or something.
Dear Wossy
Ive shagged your daughter!
Whos laughing now ?
Gary Glitter.
Now that was funny.
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