

The National Debt Clock.

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There's nothing I can do to save jobs, admits Brown, as he backs debt spree to beat recession.

Yes there is Gordon, fuck off.

There is your answer. In two little words. 

In fact I liked saying it I shall again: "Fuck Off: James Gordon Brown"

You were warned many many times over the last 11 years that the economy was over extended on credit, you were warned on PFI and so on and so fucking forth. Yet you did fuck all except create ministries of cunting paper clips, quangos, pissing squillions away on aid to despots in third world toilets and burying your head like some cyclopedic one eye'd ostrich.

An then just watch as millions of small businesses, the banks, corporations, investors from abroad and in fact anyone who does business in any form in the UK, thinks "Thank fuck for that." and we slowly start to recover.

Gordon Brown a man who makes me so angry I could punch his lights out

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Pissing away aid in third world countries? Well, that's all fine and noble, no doubt we should help those who need it etc, etc.

But what about all that bread he just shelled out out to those unfortunate and set upon nations, er... India and um... China? What a fuckin' clownhat.

Fidothedog said...

Oh and the money to Pakistan, a nation that has somehow managed to find the money to build its own nuclear weapons which they point to that other reciever of our aid India!