

The National Debt Clock.

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6 billion quid spunked away.

Labour loves wasting your money, some £6 BILLION to Africa.

Yep, thats £6 billion quid to fight aids an the MP's who themselves love nothing better than wanking away our money have some sharp things to say:

There is no evidence that a £6 billion UK drive to tackle the Aids epidemic abroad will meet its early targets, according to a committee of MPs.

The International Development Committee said the strategy was "strong on rhetoric" but lacked vital details.

But what the hell, its only money right. Fuck giving us a tax cut - thats a proper cut in taxes to stimulate business and create jobs - or spending money here at home. 

Nope its pat darkie on the head and throw free cash at them.

Besides the AIDS problem is one of the easiest to resolve. 
Old Holborn has done a bit on this and written a letter to Africa on behalf of Gordon Brown an I agree with every damn word:another-6-billion-spunked-away.html
Dear Africans,

Stop raping your sisters. Stop having numerous sexual partners. Wear a condom. Stop sitting under a fucking tree all day clutching an AK47, stop deciding that your neighbours tribe need to be macheted to death by the millions, stop letting your tribal leaders squander your wealth on diamond encrusted Lear Jets, stop sending me fucking 419 letters, stop eyeing up your neighbours 14 year old daughter, stop marrying every woman you meet, stop selling your children to slave traders, stop rioting over which bastard sky pixie is the best, stop rubbing chilli powder in children’s eyes because you think they are witches and keep your fucking legs closed for ten years and AIDS will be completely gone from your continent.

Signed Gordon

The Glory Hole, Waterloo Gents.

New Labour - "I want them all dead. I want their family's dead. I want their houses burnt to the ground. I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on the ashes."

3 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Think about it!

Zimbabwe used to be Rhodesia.

This used to be Britain.

In sharing our own wealth as Gordon's Muppet's - sorry - tax payers - very soon, we will find ourselves without a pot to piss in....

Just of course, like Gordon's beloved Africans!

Hell - Gordon can then, even ask to join the Continent as a fellow third world Nation.

Then, - Gordon can put into place the final part of his plan, copying his own favourite African dictator, and rename these shores


Could someone please get me a gun - As Im going out, and I may be gone some considerable time..

Fidothedog said...

Yep we are a banana republic without even the benefit of banana's; well aside from the one that Miliband has.

Anonymous said...

No, no, I'm probably stating the bleeding obvious here but why don't we spend 6 billion on educating some nice African students here to be doctors and nurses and when they go home there wont be a burning need for their leaders to waste all my fucking money on big fucking cars et al. Then the poor people will have some proper trained doctors and the money will have been spent in this country where it belongs.

Sorry went all socialist on you there.... Yes I do see the flaw in this. The nice new doctors might not actually want to go back.