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New Labour(given up on illegals - 2) - Illegal migrant Ahsan Sabri can not be deported.

Another one to thank New Labour for come election day, remember that it was them who gave us the Human Rights Act.
An illegal immigrant who killed a brilliant young writer by driving into her at 60mph cannot be deported because it would breach his human rights.
Ahsan Sabri, 28, was unlicensed and not properly insured when he roared through a red light and ploughed into Oxford University graduate Sophie Warne.

The 30-year-old died instantly from a broken neck. She had published five books, was writing her first novel and was about to announce her engagement.

But the High Court overturned an immigration tribunal decision that Sabri  -  who had overstayed his visa  -  should be sent home to Pakistan.

The judge ruled that deporting him would breach his right to 'respect for family life' as he had married a British woman in 2003 and had a daughter, born last May, with her.

We have a government which at every single fucking level despises us, tells us that our history, our culture, our world view is totally worthless, that we are all closet racists. 

Any and I do mean any other nation on the planet would have had Mr Sabri on a plane so fast his feet would not have touched the ground. However we have the act and unlike other nations which have this we treat like it is carved into stone.

The New Labour politicos, the lawyers, lecturers and Guardian types have never had much time for the endemic people of this land: They hate us, they despise our tastes, our homes, the cars we drive and everything we do. 

At every step we are derided, run down, our culture ignored, walked over and otherwise passed over for that of other nations. 

Since 97 the boarder controls have in effect disappeared, in the fullness of time all of those illegals like Mr Sabri will be naturalised and of course do the loyal thing and vote New Labour. Inshalla may it be so. 

Of course this vile little act can be traced back to one Mrs Blair wife of Tony, former PM and now b(w)anker. She campaigned for it, hubby ran it through when he got into power and she as a lawyer then set up Matrix Chambers.

A legal company that's received millions in legal aid, some of which no doubt has ended up in the large coffers of one Mrs Blair.

Sadly it also means that we are stuck with one uber-turd Ahsan Sabri.

4 people have spoken:

Unknown said...

That picture is just so on the money. This fucking lot are a complete disgrace. I see the one eyed cunt is over in Dar Al Islam, trying to sell more of our shit off, I mean attracting investment. Perhaps he should have had a limb or two removed, an old Arab trick for getting more Alms, oops, sympathy.

Anonymous said...

I can assure you, Fido,no matter how much our government despises us, I despise them more,by an incalcuable factor.

Anonymous said...

Slight error, the Matrix company was set up by Cherie Blair, prior to the HRA.

Fidothedog said...

However she knew that hubby would push through said act and the cash would come a rolling in...£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££