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People 'must be willing to make sacrifices to cut climate change' - No.

More treehugging fuckwittery by someone called Louise Gray in the Torygraph.

The international survey found the number of people willing to spend extra money on tackling climate change fell by 29 per cent to a fifth, while the number willing to change their lifestyle for the planet fell 19 per cent to just under half in the last year.

Could that be that more people are seeing it is a crock of shit, designed to extort ever more money out of them by unwashed eco loons, failed commies who have taken up the green cause, the tedious media types who belive every word of  The Grauniad, oh an failed politicos looking for a new career.

Most dramatically, the 2008 Climate Confidence Monitor found that the number of people who have heard a lot about climate change in the past year fell from three quarters to 36 per cent, suggesting that climate change has had less prominence on the news agenda as the economic outlook worsens.

However, in a new question put to respondents in the run up to an international agreement on climate change, it was found the majority of people worldwide want their governments to cut carbon by their national "fair share". This will mean developed countries that have produced more greenhouse gases over the years agree to make bigger cuts.

Yep. She has a point. Although she misses the fucking obvious that species die out, shit happens and often - shock horror - its not our fault. Anyway if something can not adapt fuck it, let it go to the fucking wall it will happen sooner or later.

Still the choice of save the Albanian newt or some never heard of species of pondscum or spend tax money on building up the economic future of the people is not a hard one. 

Not a hard choice at all. Without a modern society and advanced technology we all be reduced to slash and burn and where would the world be then with 6 billion plus migrant farmers on the move? Her prescious Albanian newt would be in the cookpot and shortly after we would be reduced to eating each other for food.

The research, which surveyed 12,000 people in 12 countries for the HSBC Climate Partnership in September, revealed people wanted to see governments taking direct action such as developing renewables and stopping deforestation. However they were less willing to take personal responsibility for the problem.

Lord Stern, the former treasury economist who compiled a report for the UK Government on climate change, said individuals must also be willing to make sacrifices too.

An so it go's on blah dee fucking blah, doom an cunting woe unto humanity. Still at least she never blamed Bush for anything which is a plus.

Now I shall explain why we dont want to do more. We are taxed through the fucking nose, fiscaly buggered by the treehuggers in power so why should we give up what few bits we manage to hang onto.

Seriously if they want to hug a tree fine, but fuck off out of my life with their piss poor graphs and quotes from Al cunting Gore.

Oh an one minor point to the vegans and suchlike out there, look eat all the greens you like but that shit really does make you fart a lot more, so have you worked that into your "carbon footprint"? Or should that be "arseprint"?...

Plus we have the fact that a lot of people see this whole eco wankfest as nothing more than a huge con with bugger all real science to back it up. Warm snap = climate change. Cold snap = climate change. Rain, snow hell any bloody weather what so ever and some tofu eating cunt will appear on TV or ranting in the Guardian CIF pages that we all going to be fucked.

More ice in the artic fucking climate change, less ice fucking climate change. Ozone hole moves, climate change, shrinks and/or grows climate change...

Eco climate change is the new religion of the 21st Century a doomsday cult that claims we don't eat greenery grown on the communial dung heap from our own shit that we are no better than members of the Waffen SS and should be put on trial for war crimes.

She wants sacrifices, well how about we kill a hippy.

New Labour - "I want them all dead. I want their family's dead. I want their houses burnt to the ground. I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on the ashes."

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Ah I see you've upgraded your ambition to punch Mr Brown's lights out ;)

If you want to be green then buy a solar panel or windmill. Though no one points out that the (Complicated formulae) fluid used to clean the parts of these are at least 17000 times more powerful a green house gas than CO2 and don't break down too easily in the atmosphere either.

Fidothedog said...

Shall pass on the solar panel/windmill - I want a hummer!