

The National Debt Clock.

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A quick message from Cicero to one James Gordon Brown & sockpuppet Alistair Darling.

This is how to run an economy:

The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.

Cicero - 55 BC

Fucking hell why in the name of all that is Holy can they not realise that Cicero had it right 2000 years ago:

No fucking racking up the credit and blaming everyone else -whilst our banks played pass the parcel with debt - whilst using piss poor terror laws against cunting Iceland.

No "Diversity Toilet Councillors" employed on £70K a year in the townhall whilst my fucking street lights outside my abode have not been working and/or replaced in months.

No sending squillions of pounds of my hard fucking earned cash to a dictator in Bongoland with a necklace of human skulls around his neck.

No providing wall to wall benefits for pasty chavs whos only ability is that of breeding more feral clones of themselves. If the cunts want to eat let them practise safe sex and stop producing babies if not cut the money off an let them fucking eat the pitbull.

No more fucking quangos out to aid deposed dictators with necklaces of human skulls giving them guidebooks on how to get a council house and run by a fat ex-Tory cunt called Keith Best.

No more adverts against the demon drink on the TV, adverts that I pay for through my taxes, telling me that one unit to many is a danger whilst fat bloated MP's swill gin in subsidized bars.

I think Cicero were he alive would have much to say on one James Gordon Brown and his sockpuppet Alistair Darling.

New Labour - "I want them all dead. I want their family's dead. I want their houses burnt to the ground. I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on the ashes."

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

You are on top form today!
You deserve a larger audience. Is it possible to email your posts?
(I'm not exactly Bill Gates when it comes to PC skills)

Fidothedog said...

yeah ping me a mail an I shall get them sent across.
