

The National Debt Clock.

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Peter Mandelsnake: James Gordon "Cyclops" Brown a Moses like figure.

"People really do look to him like some Moses figure who is going to lead them away from this economic mess to the promised land."

Well lets just hope that the cunt dies before reaching the age of 120 and when we do get to the "promised land" that he like Moses is denied entry and dies.

Another cool downfall video.

4 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps a way wood priest mistakenly happened upon Mandlesons coffin last night.

If so, I do hope that he remembered to administer the last rights, to both Mandleson himself, and his desperate government.

But it's got me thinking, why on earth would Mandleson quote from the bible, as we have previously been led to believe that:

"New Labour don't do God"

And on that subject, Moses himself delivered his people to the promised land - where as Mandlesons one eyed clown of incompetence threatens to take us to a place that I myself have no wish to travel...

Fucking Zimbabwe!!

Fidothedog said...

They quote religion when it suits them, Hitler did the same. Even comrade Stalin did that in the war when Moscow was threatened he called on the Russian church.

Anonymous said...

Worth watching just for that last line: "Call the Anti Terror Police, Arrest him'

Fidothedog said...

Well said anon.