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Political freedom under New Labour? Fire bomb the property of opponents.

You would expect this under some repressive regime like those found in the Middle East or Africa.

Police are investigating a car fire near a house in West Yorkshire which was included in a leaked list of British National Party (BNP) members.

The parked car exploded after being set alight late on Thursday night on Eighth Avenue in Windy Bank, Liversedge.

The BNP said none of its members lived in Eighth Avenue, although one of the houses in the road was on the leaked membership list published this week.

The car belonged to a neighbour of the person whose house was on the list.

Link to the fire bombing story.

Then we have the story of a radio DJ has already been sacked on account of being named as a BNP member.

Add to that the widespread calls for teachers who's names appear on the list to be sacked, then we have Trades Unions who are scouring the lists for the names of any members who will then be kicked out of the parties.

Which when one considers that unions were set up to protect the oppressed shows how out of touch the unions now are with the people.

Oh plus this absolute charmer at the Mirror who is absolutely creaming his commie pants at the thought of attacks on political opponents: Mirror reporter Brian Reade shows himself to be a total tosser.

2 people have spoken:

DR said...

Right let me get this straight. A car that didn't belong to a BNP member that happened to be on the same street as an address on the BNP list and even though police have stated that there are a couple of lines of enquiry and this is an attack?

I'm sure there will be attacks to come but this is pathetic. Surely even the most moronic antifa would firebomb the car outside the address and not one of the neighbours.

As for the DJ being sacked, he wasn't. Check out the latest news and not the Metro's sensationalist take on it.

"Contrary to reports, TalkSport would like to clarify that Lucas was not sacked as was reported. He is a freelance presenter whom the station has used on an ad-hoc basis."

Both Lucas and Talksport have stated this despite the press desperately looking for BNP victims.

Anonymous said...

Can't help seeing the irony of Labour calling another party Fascist and the policies they have implemented.

Can anyone see the similarity of how Labour is treating the BNP and how the Nazi's treated the opposition in 30's Germany? I for one see a similarity between the banning of BNP members from certain professions to the Nazi's Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service


If a member of the public or private shows any inappropriate behaviour then rightly dismiss them but don't dismiss them for their political opinions.