

The National Debt Clock.

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Tax bombshell.

The Recession Budget will probably mean Britain will end up borrowing £120,000,000,000 A YEAR. This is twice as much as Winston Churchill needed to borrow after winning World War II—a loan we took 60 years to repay.

Gordon Brown a man who makes me so angry I could punch his lights out

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, because we all know that when we're in debt we a) borrow more and b) reduce our income ..

What a bunch of tossers. Oh, wait, ofcourse, our MPs are never in that position are they, they get a salary, a goldplated pension, their mortgages paid on second homes, travel expenses ... theymake me fucking sick the cunts ..

Fidothedog said...

I think we should save the nation a few quid, some rope/paino wire and 600+ MP's hanging from lamposts would improve this nation.