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Polly Toynbee: Fuck the unemployed.

Second rate hack of The Grauniad has cast her wisdom upon the fucked economic situation here in the UK:

"Even if unemployment reaches 3 million, that still leaves 90% in secure jobs. Most people will suffer not at all in this recession: on the contrary they will do well..."

I am sure that those thrown out of work, those who lose their homes, those who's families break up and who suffer hardship, those who end up suffering depression, who see their lives go down the fiscal crapper will be just so fucking happy that others will be doing well.

Mind this is the same hack who claimed that the Tories were pumping cash into tory blogs, the same who said all would be well:Polly Toynbee firing off cunt wafts.
A minor slowdown with neither inflation nor unemployment rising will see Brown's old "no boom or bust" boasts triumph this time next year.
The same Polly who said back in June last year:
'But then, as they stepped into No 10 yesterday, here was as decent and clever a team of ministers as ever graced the cabinet table.'
Polly a bit laterlink:
A cabinet of minnows and spineless backbenchers include many - perhaps most - who want Brown gone, but lack the nerve to act.
The same overpaid Polly produced an opus of fucking shyte...
The gap between rich and poor is wider than ever. But that doesn't seem to bother Britain's wealthiest earners. In an extract from their new book, Polly Toynbee and David Walker describe the jaw-dropping arrogance they encountered when they asked some of the fat cats to justify their lives of luxury
She who is one of those very self same fat cats, she added this line:
"None of us like to feel guilty about our comfortable lives"
I am sure the unemployed might take issue with Polly over that whilst they line up for signing on and she suns her leathery face in her villa abroad.

Oh and uber-loaded Polly who has multiple houses and a villa abroad, who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth said of Boris:
Boris the jester, toff, serial liar and sociopath for mayor

Better a jester than a newt fancier any day of the week.

I save the best for last, satirical magazine Private Eye gave her the order of the Brown Nose for this fluff piece on dire unelected PM James Gordon "Cyclops" Brown:
Twice a year Grodon Brown fills his partys's sails with pride. His tordado of facts and figures magics up images of untold national wealth and success.
Standing at the dispatch box, the towering supriority of his brain makes intellectual pygmies of his opponents.

New Labour - "I want them all dead. I want their family's dead. I want their houses burnt to the ground. I want to go there in the middle of the night and piss on the ashes."

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