Oh joy more evidence if it were needed of how out of touch the champagne socialists of New Labour are with us working folk.
With record debts, Gordon spending like a drunk sailor on shore leave and ever more non jobs being created this latest waste comes as no surprise.
According to Prava sorry the impartial BBC it will be spent on securing the world against terror and education and health projects:
The UK is giving a £480m support package to Pakistan to help increase security on the Afghanistan border.Douglas Alexander, the UK international development secretary, said the money would also be focused on education and health projects.So how about easing the suffering of the people here in the UK Douglas or do we not matter? So lets have a look at what the UK International Development Agency: link will be wasting our money on.How about helping Pakistani male prostitutes?The MP launched the plan at Glasgow Central Mosque, at the end of a UK tour to meet people of Pakistani origin.
The UK wanted to "help ease the suffering of the 36 million poor people living in Pakistan", he added.
Naveed is a feminised male prostitute. That means he dresses and behaves as a woman for his male clients. In the poorer slums of Rawalpindi where he works, violence and abuse from neighbours, clients, sex partners and the authorities are routine.
Naveed is philosophical about his relationship with the police. "They threaten to tell our families about our activities," he says, "so we try to pacify them by offering them sex."
Naveed represents a sub-culture that can be found in all Pakistan's cities - one in which drug use and unprotected commercial sex are rife.Old Holborn has this gem on your tax pounds in action in Ghana.
The Department for International Development (DFID) is the part of the UK Government that manages Britain's aid to poor countries and works to get rid of extreme poverty. It has some 2,600 f/t staff whose aim is "the eradication of world poverty" currently pissing away £5bn and due to expand in these tough fiscal times to a stonking £8bn by 2010/11.
That will help lots of hair dressers in Ghana and Pakistani prostitutes I am sure.
Our tax pounds hard at work being pissed up against the wall by New Labour. So next time some HM Govt beancounter refuses to supply some drug on the NHS due to "cost", or some OAP dies on a trolley in some run down NHS deathcamp; just remember than the lives of UK citizens come a poor second to that of Pakistani prostitutes and maternity units in China.
Our tax pounds hard at work being pissed up against the wall by New Labour. So next time some HM Govt beancounter refuses to supply some drug on the NHS due to "cost", or some OAP dies on a trolley in some run down NHS deathcamp; just remember than the lives of UK citizens come a poor second to that of Pakistani prostitutes and maternity units in China.
5 people have spoken:
I noticed that the intrepid one eyed gimp was in Afghanistan earlier today..
What The Fuck....
Was his plane hijacked at Heathrow?
Did some of the vast number of Afghan refugees now residing on our God forsaken little Island wish to return home for a better standard of life?
What does cyclops care about British soldiers? - Did he require a photo opportunity for an entirely different reason all together one wonders?
Am I cynical? - You better fucking believe it!
how sad Otto..where is the conviction?
sorry wrong name..lol..btw..I cant look at that image down there v ikk!..lol
"So how about easing the suffering of the people here in the UK Douglas or do we not matter?"
That's obvious Fido, you don't to the left.
"Naveed represents a sub-culture that can be found in all Pakistan's cities - one in which drug use and unprotected commercial sex are rife."
So it's true then, them jihadist scum are just a bunch of angry homos and perverts.
"The UK is giving a £480m support package to Pakistan to help increase security on the Afghanistan border.
Douglas Alexander, the UK international development secretary, said the money would also be focused on education and health projects.
The MP launched the plan at Glasgow Central Mosque, at the end of a UK tour to meet people of Pakistani origin."
Bit of an expensive way of Labour buying the Muslim vote they p!ssed away by invading Iraq?
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