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IMF begging bowl time. Gordonomics in action!

Looks like we may need to get IMF help, according to some "source" in Government, reports the Telegraph

That coincided with a concerted push by British ministers to argue that there would no longer be any stigma attached to asking for cash.
The previous Labour Government's bail-out by the IMF in 1976 was seen as a national humiliation and helped sweep the party from power for 18 years.
A senior Cabinet minister said, however, that the new fund would not be like the 1970s version and should not be seen as such. He said there would be nothing wrong if America or Britain used the facility.
He said: "Previously a country would only go if they were in a very bad state. It was a bit like going to accident and emergency to get urgent help.
"This new facility will not be like that. It is a bit more like getting well being care or even like going to a spa to recuperate."

So in just twelve years we have become a basket case, spending billions more than we have coming in, printing money to patch the problems in the short term. 

The plus for Gordon is that he can pass the buck on all the nasty cuts and reforms the IMF will call for, saying it is out of his hands. 

If as this government source claims there is nothing wrong with borrowing yet more money, this time from the IMF then why does he/she not state so openly rather than being an anonymous source?

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