First up money spent on advertising etc:
Communications Surgeries and other adverts Weekly Argus £114.95, South Wales Argus £218.42, Voice Magazine £115. Total £448.37Can't really argue that one, but hello what the fuck is this?
Regular reports and constituency newsletters: Nil
Websites: Nil
Equipment lease etc: Nil
Personal Additional Accommodation:So an MP on £64K a year has us pay his utility bills, pick up his council tax and such like.
For registered second home in Vauxhall London,
Nights spent away from main home 14.
Mortgage interest £215.00, Utilities Water 26.07, Electricity £27,00, Council Tax £89.33, Television service £16.50.
Fixtures, fittings, furnishings, Nil
Maintenance/repairs: Nil
Administration & Office expenditure, travel,
Cost of accommodation, Nil,
Equipment and supplies, Vodafone £120.27, Pipex and Virgin phone and computer broadband: £84.12, T.Mobile £214.92,Computer Software £24.34, Banner Business Supplies £60.55
Travel Cost Paddington to Newport £155.00, 2 taxis £24.20 (Paddington/ Westminster)
Work commissioned/ bought in services: Nil
Travel mileage; Newport to Westminster 5; constituency mileage 238
Plus we pick up all his computer and travel costs, someone explain to me why we pay an MP a stonking great £64K a year when they claim travel and everything else back.
Most of us Mr Flynn have to fund our travel etc our of what the employer pays us, sadly for MP's this shows how removed they are from the rest of us.
Looking forward to see what the Telegraph has to say with regards Flynn's expenses, I wonder what he has not mentioned in this list?
Oh and I have to ask if he claimed back off the taxpayers, the 36K he had to pay out in his libel case a few years back? Just asking is all.
Read all the juicy bits on how he (or maybe we) had to stump up £36K in damages to Endowment Justice.
Paul Flynn claimed £7,052 for new kitchen, £1,153 carpets and £1,200 decoration for his London property in 2005, before selling it and moving to a new £275,000 flat. Claims £9,629 in stamp duty and fees.
3 people have spoken:
Loved the webshyte bit - made me smile for the first time today.
Its just so so true, an Flynn knows it with his mere 2000 hits a week.
He hasn't been mentioned in the list because, as troughligate as he is he's still below the mean amount for MPs. Plus since it all looks conceivably relevant to his job- but by no means essential, mark you- none of that stuff is sensationalist enough for a national newspaper.
And the letters the missus got back from him (when his so-called "party of the workers" shafted a load of us on the 10p tax issue) were on lovely paper, mind. We certainly feel OUR tax pennies are being well spent, because you know, a plain sheet of white A4 just won't serve for a letter...
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