

The National Debt Clock.

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Paul Farrelly - MP for Newcastle-under-Lyme knifes Cyclops Brown.

Listen I hear a knife being drawn... Also on BBC Pravda talking about Purnell jumping ship.
I'm not particularly close to him personally or politically, but I think what he's done is a courageous act, and reluctantly and very sadly his assessment is correct. There have been too many mistakes and misjudgements over the last two years, so in the interests of the country and the Labour party I think Gordon must really consider his position.
Also this gem:
It's not good enough to in one week to swap your moral compass for a Presbyterian conscience and pin it on your sleeve [and pretend that the Damian McBride affair did not happen].
Just a small note that Paul Farrelly claims £1,330 mortgage interest on house in north London and regular maximum £400 monthly claim for food. Also claims £130-£200 a month for cleaning, and for parking permits. Just thought I would mention his expenses figures.

Hat tip to gigits for the pic.

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