Even the Times, seeing a rather slow MP making an arse of himself are getting in on the game.
Bob Ainsworth is one of those people who should never rise above deputy. I am told that people are snobby about him but I am just confused. Every time I see him — and it happened again yesterday — I cannot believe that he is the Defence Secretary. How did this man, stodgy as porridge, inspiring as a cabbage, get the top job? It feels wrong, as if he were taking part in a job-swap reality TV programme that has gone horribly wrong.
Spot on.
He reminds me of a manager that I and my team had dumped on us, in a previous job many moons ago: inept in every way this manager tore up the old ways and turned a well run section to shit in record time.
Bob I think is cut from the same cloth as that manager who I last saw being escorted off company property by two security guards carrying his belonging in a box.
Still this a man -a word I use in a very very loose meaning of the word - who seeks to penny pinch on compensation paid to soldiers. Something that would be laughable were it not for the billions poured away on bankers bonuses, PFI, quangos...
A chap who voted against letting Gurkhas settle in the UK.
Who sees nothing wrong with enjoying the perks of high office:
Bob Ainsworth's home repairs cost the taxpayer £5,925! Bob Ainsworth, the Armed Forces Minister, claimed nearly £6,000 for the redecoration of his designated second home, submitting bills that included rebuilding the fireplace and fitting oak beams into his ceiling.also tried to claim £2,225 for a sofa and £1,000 for a LCD Samsung television, both of which were reduced by the fees office.
In April 2006, Mr Ainsworth submitted a further £951 bill for fencing and in August charged £1,160 for a gas fire.
That same year, he was told by officials he could not claim £1,000 for a Samsung LCD television because he had exceeded the “recommended maximum”.
In August, the minister wrote to the fees office to explain why he was claiming £2,225 for a Roma corner sofa.
No money for compensation according to Bob, yet money for a Roma corner sofa....
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