John Bercow, the Speaker, is backing plans for the Commons to offer a "short-term, short-notice" child-minding service for MPs.
The "core funding" of the new childcare service is to come from public money. Members will also pay a fee for using the service.
The plan may once again inflame public anger over MPs' behaviour in the wake of the Commons expenses scandal, exposed by The Daily Telegraph earlier this year.
The House of Commons Commission, the panel of senior MPs that runs the Commons estate, has instructed officials to draw up a detailed plan for the emergency childcare service.
The plan was agreed at a Commission meeting chaired by Mr Bercow on July 20, two days before MPs left Westminster for their summer break. The commission will discuss the detailed proposals at its next meeting in October.
Commission meetings are not open to the public, but a minute of the July 20 session reveals the childcare plan.
So a backbench MP on £64K a year will get cheap childcare, funded by taxpayers. John Bercow a champagne swilling socialist in Tory clothing, no wonder he was supported by Paul Flynn and the useless Tom Harris in his bid to become speaker.
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