Just noticed this on Wikio that I am at No.70 in the political blogs, ta very much to one an all who pop on here an can be arsed to give me a vote.

Still for no other reason than fuck all of any importance is happening in the world, I thought I would see if I am still ahead of Paul Flynn. Yep, I am the libel case losing, kitchen re-fitting, legal fee claiming, lying old hoon is at 103.
Aye still beating the old champagne, wife employing on the state payroll old socialist. No communication allowance for me, in fact total cost to the UK taxpayer a grand amount of fuck all.
The last time at Wikio rankings is
here. The Paul Flynn video is from
Notice that Paul Flynn mentions libel in the video, quite amusing that. Especially as he lost a libel case, a case he had several chances to walk away from and one that he charged the taxpayer £10,000 quid for his legal fees despite having fewer legs to stand on than Heather Mills-McCartney!
His wife is on the gravy train employed as his "
senior secretary."
Flynn claimed expenses on the solicitor fees!
Also thanks to the Telegraph we know that he stole "within the rules" a cool £7,052 for new kitchen, as well as work back in 2006 on his kitchen coming to £1580, a cool £1,153 on carpets and £1,200 decoration for his London property in 2005.
He sold this property and moved to a new £275,000 flat. He also claimed £9,629 in stamp duty and fees.
Then we have £1000 deposit on kitchen equipment, charged to the taxpayer. In 2006 he charged the taxpayers £1201.90 on decorating his humble abode.
Also £16,958.00 2nd home allowance, £13,913.00 on office costs, £92,902.00 staffing costs, £202.00 central stationary, £510.00 stationary & postage. £1,209.00 IT provision, £7,171.00 on communications, £8,096.00 travel, £140,961.00 total.
He also claimed back mortgage interest of £215.00, claimed back water utilities of £26.07, electricity £27,00, council Tax £89.33, television service £16.50 although the good thing is that at his advanced age he will soon qualify for a free telly licence!
Also £1745 on a sofa and a chair. £189 on a bathroom cabinet.
One ravel small sofa bed beige, costing £750 quid and a vanilla pluto chair costing £995 quid. Well it is natural wood.
Then we have one tv table £150, one side table £90, a dining table & four chairs both £150 quid.
One leather look manager chair coming to £64.98.
He also ordered Mac OS X version 10.4 Tiger @ £89.00 - he could have used Linux which is free but still at least its not Windows.
£424 on a bed for his aged corpse.
So free cable, free telly, no council tax, furniture free, stamp duty paid, his kitchen re-done at taxpayer expense. Oh it must be so difficult to struggle on a humble £64 grand a year as a backbench MP.
Here is Flynn's apology which he was made to put up after losing his libel case, posted on his webshyte and now mysteriously vanished but has been saved by me.
On this website in February this year, I made certain statements referring to Endowment Justice Limited, one of the companies which offers assistance in obtaining compensation for those people who were mis-sold endowment policies. I have been campaigning against companies providing professional services in relation to endowment policy compensation claims, but my facts about Endowment Justice were incorrect. As a result, I wrongly accused the company and its directors Nick Keca, Marianne Fitzjohn and Graeme Webber of having previously mis-sold endowment policies and now dishonestly overcharging those self-same victims to help them obtain compensation. I am happy to clarify that neither Endowment Justice Ltd or any of its directors were ever involved in any aspect of endowment policy selling. It was therefore false and unfair to suggest that they had profited from the historic mis-selling of endowment policies. I was also incorrect in stating that Endowment Justice, which offers its services in recovering compensation on a “no-win, no-fee” basis, could charge its customers up to 40% of any compensation gained. Endowment Justice in fact charge customers 17.5% plus VAT or 22.5% plus VAT of any compensation gained. I was wrong to give the unintended impression that the company or its directors acts in any way improperly or unlawfully in providing services to those seeking compensation for endowment policy mis-selling. I would like to apologise to Endowment Justice for my allegations, and to Mr. Keca, Ms. Fitzjohn and Mr. Webber for any embarrassment or distress caused by my false remarks.
Newport deserves so much better than Paul Flynn MP.
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