The story is regards immigration and from billesleypatriot site. The MP actually admits that he is a nutless fucker who lacks the dangly bits to raise the issue of immigration and the tightening up controls.
He states on the letter and I quote: "The problem, however, of talking about immigration is that it is a hugely sensitive issue and when I originally raised the issue I was attacked by political opponents and you can understand why, therefore, there is reluctance by most politicians of all parties to talk about this issue."
Anyway there is the letter just click it to zoom on it and read this MP's weak words, and weak words they are.
Why do we elect an MP, why do we take time out of our day to go to the polling booth and put our mark down for the person we think will do their best for us?
Well maybe it is in the (mistaken in Godsiff's case) belief that they will stand up and say what needs to be said in The House of Commons. Not as Mr Godsiff has done, be cowed by the howls of those who see any attack on unlimited immigration as the actions of racists.
Moving off the immigration debate, I notice that Godsiff was mysteriously absent for the vote on allowing the Gurkha's to settle. No doubt he feared being hauled into explain himself before the drug addled PM. Although he find the courage to sign an EDM calling for equal pay for the Gurkha's, even if he could not bring himself to offer further support.
He also voted with the government in the case of Gary McKinnon, as a left wing MP I thought he would have loved the chance to have a go at the Yanks? Guess not, cowardice ruled the day again. This MP also did his best to cover up MP's expenses.

He submitted eight claims from home furnishing chain Dunelm Mill under the heading 'office sundries' even though one of the receipts was clearly marked 'cushion covers' costing £18 and another for "S/S Rev B/Mat Cream" for £13.98, two cream-coloured bathroom mats.
He claimed £29.99 for "sundries" on his office expenses on a receipt from Focus DIY marked "AHS 4-16 H/TRIM", a Bosch AHS 4-16 hedge trimmer. In 2007 he made a similar claim for "sundries for office" but submitted a receipt for £69.98 from the south-east London branch of B&Q marked "Concorde 320". This was for a Qualcast Concorde lawnmower with 320mm blades.
**Update, just e-mailed this MP, if he has the courage to get back I shall update but not holding my breath on that.
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