Yet no mention from any of the media whores he was talking to with regards his expenses:
He was also one of the scumbags who attempted to stop Gurkha OAP's from settling here in the UK.From the Harrow Times...A HARROW MP who claimed public money for a house his parents live in has fallen victim to a graffiti vandal.
The door of Tony McNulty's office, in Byron Road, was daubed with the words “that's £60,000 you owe me Tony” last week.
The vandal is apparently angry at the conduct of the Harrow East MP, who claimed £60,000 from the public purse in allowances for a second home in Harrow, which turned out to be his parents' home.
A grasping fuckwad who claims as much as he can from the public purse(expenses PDF)
Council tax which we have to pay, he claims back. Nice work comrade McNulty.
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