A Labour minister is to repay around £21,000 in expenses after admitting using second home allowances to rent a flat from his sister.
Culture, Media and Sports Minister Sion Simon leased the London property from 2003 until the end of 2007 at a cost of £1,000 a month to the taxpayer.
In total, he claimed more than £40,000 from the taxpayer to pay his sister rent on the flat.
When the arrangement began, there were no rules preventing MPs from claiming on properties owned by relatives.
The flat is in one of London's most exclusive areas and overlooks Regent's Park.
A quick look at this twat's expenses show that we pick up the bill for his utilities, even his tv license and internet(so he gets to wank at our expense just like Mr Jacqui Smith); we also paid for it to be repaired and for someone to clean it as well.
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