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SIBA wakes up to threat from state funded nannies.

Hat tip to Brew Wales

SIBA chief executive Julian Grocock has slammed the “health nannies” he claims are targeting alcohol as the new tobacco.
On the second day of the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) conference in Stratford-upon-Avon, Grocock criticised the health lobbyists who blame the trade for binge drinking.
“I contend that we (the brewing industry) are better organised around people and their health and welfare than any lobby prohibitionists who want to haul us over the coals towards complete oblivion.”
He added: “I confess that I view the health nannies with the same kind of mistrust and suspicion that I sued to view those people in my village who I never got to know simply because they didn’t go to the pub.”
This year’s conference focuses on people power and the vital importance of people in the industry.
Stratford-upon-Avon mayor Jenny Fradgley gave a rousing introduction, praising the role that real ale plays in combating binge drinking.
“Beer is a delight and should be drunk in company in traditional pubs,” she said.

I shall just add that I look forward to the day, when central government stops wasting our money on fake charities and quango's like Alcohol Concern, an Don Shenker is forced to seek a real job and finds a suitable position flipping burgers. 

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