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The BBC - Not worth 1p a year yet alone an increase in the license tax

The BBC has had a collective sulk over the last few weeks over the fact that they did not get the increase in the TV License fee that they wanted.

In article after article the BBC went on about all there grand plans having to be "put on hold", how in will "affect viewer quality" and of course as they don't give us enough bloody repeats as it is, they are now using the excuse that not getting all the money they demanded will result in "possibly more repeats."

Now during many fluff articles - often passed off as news on BBC News 24 - they again stated how bad this would be for the BBC. Now I have a radical idea, how about some cuts, rend off some of that useless fat filling the BBC.

What fat, like say the huge salary of BBC "star" Jonathan Ross, some of the other "stars", also they could reduce their interactive content. After all they are supposed to be a broadcaster, since when did the BBC need to have quite some much interactive content.

Were it impartial it may be not be so bad, but just how much anti US, anti Israel stuff can the BBC put on their website. Quite a lot by all accounts.

Lets see what else could they cut back on, some of the innumerable "local" radio stations that the BBC has, does our state broadcaster really need all of them in this day and age?

Of course the BBC claim that they are efficient, yet each week there is a report that shows massive waste of the license tax.

Below are a few links that show just what a second rate, bloated organ the BBC has become:

A little tune on the license tax.

A parody with more than a grain of truth in it:

Some BBC fibs:

The BBC is still full of idiots like this: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/1104305.stm

And of course the ever watchful: http://biased-bbc.blogspot.com/
Some related BBC sites: http://bbceye.blogspot.com/

Lastly the ever awful Barbara Plett, who should have been fired a long time back :

Oh and how to waste 20 million pounds of public money in one easy go!



2 people have spoken:

lilfeathers2000 said...

Well I don't know much about the BBC except our public television here purchases old comedies from them. They are very enjoyable. I have heard that you have to actually pay for tv in Britian.


Fidothedog said...

Yeah the joy of the BBC, we get taxed and then they broadcast to the rest of the world.

Sucks but if we dont pay then its a large fine and possibly prison!