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Terry Kelly - National Socialist and Jew Hater -

A picture says a thousand words as they say.
Previous posts: a cheap joke not really Terry related at all
Terry 1
Terry 2
Rotty Pup rips Terry a new arsehole.

and of course: Like a car crash in slow mo, but funnier


**Update on the Jew hating "National" Socialist Terry Kelly and I quote his words here - If having read his words you think this "National" Socialist needs to be reminded of the basic fact that Israel existed before the Islamic world and so as a result of that they deserve a state in an islamic area, any way his comments are below:
3/ I don't think they ( Israel ) should exist.
Yery, Very sad indeed. I don't think Israel should exist because a brutal historic crime was committed against the Palestinians to create Israel, millions of Palestinians have been made refugees because Israel now stands on the land where they stood for thousands of years.

I will stop bashing Israel n.b. not Jews, Israel, when they stop murdering Palestinians, stealing their land and homes and forcing them to become refugees.

Israel is guilty of war crimes and perpertrating apartheid on the Palestinian people.

Israel was created by terrorist gangsters in 19 48 so they must have wiped someone off the map surely, I wonder who that could have been ?

I think I've said enough about the settler state of Israel, why not read what I've written about it, are you trying to waste my time again ?

I said that Israeli should not exist, correct, you say that makes me nutty, extreme, and a loonie. Well that's a good argument isn't it ?

Do yourself a favour and read it again, I accept Israel as a fact but I think that that is a historical crime against the Palestinians, I accept the two state solution because Israel is too strong with the USA to defeat them but I don't have to like it do I ?

I don't expect Israel to go away because I don't think it should exist, I accept that it's here to stay but justice has to be done by the Palestinians. It should never have been created, it was meant to be done without disadvantage to the indigenous Arab population, does anyone still buy that ?

Israel continues to dish out merciless collective punishment on the Palestinians while we, under America's malevolent gaze, stand by and wring our hands. First they drove them out of their homes and land " the old will die and the young will forget " so said the blood soaked war criminal David Ben Gurion who became the first Israeli Prime Minister, he was wrong of course and the young Palestinians will never forget, not as long as the Israeli Jack Boot continues to stamp on them. The West should treat Israel the same as we treated the Apartheid evil in South Africa, their abuse of the Palestinians is nothing short of genocide. The silence of the international Jewish community is shameful where are the protests ?
Total anti semite. Please direct all comments on this to the jew hating prick Terry Kelly.

2 people have spoken:

Surreptitious Evil said...

You can come and play at our place if you want :)

Drop me an email at surreptitious(no space)evil at googlemail.com and I'll send you an invite.


Fidothedog said...

Just done that now, cheers for the invite.

I am sure Terry will believe it is all an evil zionist plot against the true socialists of the world.