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Allah Fish - From Clarity & Resolve

In reply to the Islamic goldfish....we now have the Kafir goldfish!


(Brilliant) - here is the original story:
From 24dash and icLiverpool:

A pair of fish which appear to bear the words Allah and Mohammed were hailed as a "message from God" today.

The Oscar fish were spotted in a pet shop in Speke, Liverpool, by 23-year-old Ali Al-Waqedi.
Long queues have been building up outside the terraced house in Mulgrave Street, Toxteth, where the fish are being kept.

And as if that were not enough the fish have their own site: http://www.allahfish.com/

Dhimmi award given in advance: Now there is stupid and there is really stupid, then there is this. A woman has decided that she is going to Iraq to hug a terrorist. Yes Kathy Breen who like fellow dhimmi Norman Kember, is a member of the Christian Peacemaker team.

Now I hope that this doesnt happen but I can see it now, once this woman gets her visa to enter Iraq and someone sees her as a way at hitting the West or making a few dollars in ransom money: "Woman kidnapped in Iraq" will be the headline and the mad howling from the lefty brigade will bang on how we must get her out at all costs.

So I therefore give her a Jens Byskov dhimmi award in advance for dhimmitude and stupidity beyond measure.

** Update at Clarity & Resolve on this dhimmi: http://clarityandresolve.com/archives/2006/03/revolving_door_1.php

Here this dhimmi woman whittering away on More 4 here (link below and you can even see her in a video clip, although I think she will soon be plastered all over the papers when Ali Baba and the forty thieves grab her dumb ass for ransom) and dispair at the stupidity of some of the human species who seem to go out of their way to find trouble for themselves: http://www.channel4.com/more4/news/news-opinion-feature.jsp?id=193




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Rottweiler Puppy said...

Hmm. Wonder what Oscar fish taste like with chips and peas? Pretty horrid, I daresay, but maybe breadcrumbed and with a squeeze of lemon?