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J D Wetherspoon - To big to apologise.

I have done a few posts on the poor standards of service offered by the Mc Beer chain J D Wetherspoon, in particular their branch in Newport called the Tom Toya.

The previous posts I have made about this dire chain that tries to pass itself off as a caring "friendly" family pub are listed below:



Also I have just heard from the following site http://feedbackjdwetherspoons.blogspot.com, seems that I am not alone in getting the crap fed to me from this company. It does make you wonder just how many other uphappy former customers there are out there who have abandoned the fake "cozy pub" look of this corporate chain for the genuine article run by a real landlord rather than an accountant passing him or herself off as a landlord.

As of today I still have had no offer of an apology from the Wetherspoon chain over how my father was treated by their staff - and in particular one shit at the Tom Toya Lewis who is called Bryn Lloyd. This despite reporting both the complaint to them and including full contact details, seems that the personal touch is something J D Wetherspoon feel is below them.

As the last I heard from this bloated ego filled beer whore company was on the 2nd of this month, some fluff letter advising that they "would look into" my points, I feel that I can now do nothing more other than boycott their chain and urge others to do the same.

Another reason that I really dislike the Wetherspoon chain is the difference in attitudes that you find between them and "real pubs." You walk into a real pub and can quickly meet the local staff, have a chat and by talking to them get to meet many a local and their friends and even if it is a one off visit to a pub that you may never see again be left with many good memories(dpending on ale intake that is)

Yet with Wetherspoon we find that the surly staff with the sour attitudes, busy chatting among themselves and doing anything except dealing with customers, whilst making minimum social/eye contact with the customers- who are paying their wages at the end of the day - helps to break the very social interactions that make up one of the major reasons for going to the pub.

Feedback: Let Mc Wetherspoon know how you feel



6 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

I have started boycotting Wetherspoon and will do that till the day I die! A few months ago I was "bounced" from The George, Croydon, left standing under the rain, a friend waiting for me in vain, inside, for half an hour, just because the bouncer thought I had been drinking already, even though I said I had not. When I tried to make my point, I was told that the problem now was 'my attitude'. My pledges for them to re-consider their judgement fell on deaf ears. The other bouncer as well as the manager, who eventually came up didn't help a little bit, in fact, the manager radioed the nearby Lloyds No. 1 so by the time my friend came up we couldn't even dine or drink there. I had been a regular customer for several years, even owed Wetherspoon shares at some point, so the complete lack of common sense they've shown made me write to the Headquarters, who as I could forecast stood by their bouncer and manager that night and didn't make the slightest effort to make it up to me. Fortunately I don't 'need' Wetherspoon and actually cutting down on alcohol ingestion actually does me good. I'm boycotting the whole of the Wetherspoon chain, plus any other pub if at any time of the week it uses bouncers. I've calculated how much the loss of my custom will hit Wetherspoon finances, and is significant enough. I'll vote with my feet, won't go to Wetherspoons anymore, and don't miss any chance either to give bad recommendation by word of mouth to my friends. There!

Fidothedog said...

Well said, they are crap.

Anonymous said...

agh get a fucking life! your all so pathetic wanting bar staff to be your friends! news flash, its a job and they dont wanna talk to you about shit! fair play with the bouncer one but at the end of the day they have to protect their staff! but the guy that made this blog god your a looser! haha =P

Fidothedog said...

I see anon must work for JD Wetherspoon customer care, showing the way that they employ thick cunts without a clue as to customer care.

Anonymous said...

I think you have no idea what Wetherspoons actually stands for. I work in one of their pubs and am of those the staff you refer to with a 'sour attitude'. I personally make every effort to do a good job, talk and be polite to customers and make sure they are comfortable.
If you really want to be taken seriously (and i understand that Wethrspoons do have some flaws which need to be reviewed) then stop discriminating every staff member out there and understand that people do work very hard at their job but still get some cretin like yourself putting them down.

Fidothedog said...

I know what they stand for, the corporate brand and making Mr Martin lots of money.

Other than that bugger all with regards the traditional pub model.