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Polly Toynbee - New Labour Brown Nose

Yes Polly has surpassed ever her level of groveling before her masters in the Zanu New Labour Government.

Twice a year Grodon Brown fills his partys's sails with pride. His tordado of facts and figures magics up images of untold national wealth and success.
Standing at the dispatch box, the towering supriority of his brain makes intellectual pygmies of his opponents.
From this weeks Private Eye (O.B.N) - Now I and many many others have pointed out points where the Zanu New Labour Polly whore has been wrong, but this well it sticks out a mile.

Here we see Polly on her knees a chain around her neck the choke held by a certain Mr Brown, so she sits there while the whole of the New Labour regime bukkake off into her face again and again and again, their collective cum dripping down to her various abused orifices poked by all the powerfull New Labour types(Yeah fuck it include Presott in that even though he can not manage a piss poor 2 inches when erect- according to the cheap slag he was a poking behind his wifes back...) and even some of the old "socialist" back bench MP's(except Paul Flynn who has not managed a hard on since the fall of the Barlin Wall) and our Polly has taken it all, had Gordons Japs Eye in many a place where the sun dont shine.

Whilst she basks in the knowledge she has done her bit for the party, been dumped on(no hang on getting into Lib Dem areas here...) and otherwise whored herself fot the greater good whilst they are off down at the bar laughing at the cheap ass slag they just poked and abused and dumped and she is off telling her mates that she is in love; has found the real thing....

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Some previous inane bits I have done on the New Labour Skank:


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