Frank Field is one of the few Labour MP's that I have any respect for, ever since I saw him rip apart various piss poor excuses put forward by the banks with regards to charges. True there is much I am against with regards his views but again he has fired off a classic true nuggett.
Cyclops as PM is like letting Mrs Rochester out the attic.REBEL MP Frank Field yesterday compared Labour’s leader-in-waiting Gordon Brown to the mad woman in the attic in Charlotte Bronte’s novel, Jane Eyre.
The Birkenhead MP has made no secret of his dislike of the Chancellor but went a step further in his campaign to stop him becoming the next Prime Minister by claiming giving him the top job would be akin to letting Mrs Rochester out of the attic.In the blistering attack, he also said Brown did not have the presence nor the empathy with voters to take over from Tony Blair.
Instead, he wants Blairite Environment Minister David Miliband to put himself forward for the role. **Now this is where I disagree with Frank Field MP. Miliband is a clone, a non enity so bland even thinking about him is enough to send one to sleep. But compared to Brown he would be better in the same way that a dose of crabs is better than chlamydia.
Mr Field said: “Allowing Gordon Brown into No 10 would be like letting Mrs Rochester out of the attic.
Oh how true, the dour tax and spend man would soon begger the country with unaccountable aid to dictators in Africa and elsewhere, hire armies of extra penpushers, waste more money on pet projects and stifle business with extra rules and regulations.
Its not just that he is inept - the fiasco over our gold reserves being a classic - but he is just so wrong on so many many levels. The man even has no idea as to the concept of private property- a socialist fault I find - for example his stealth tax, sorry brilliant fiscal policy to take money from dormant bank accounts.
Yep if an account has not been used in fifteen years, then Gordon has his greedy glass eye on it. This amoral fucker fresh from using his dead baby as free pr, now plans to raid the accounts and bolster up the piss poor public spending plans that he dreams up. After all what is left that can be taxed?
So now people who have an account that they have left for a rainy day will find that old mono vision Brown has taken their money without so much as a by your fucking leave.
Mr Warburton, one of the country's leading tax experts, also believes that the 15-year cut-off is too short.
"I don't think this is a particularly long time for people to have money sitting around," he said. "If it had been sitting around for 40 or 50 years - maybe one generation - that might be more sensible."
Well since when has common sense ever had anything to do with New Labour thnking? Besides they need the money now for all the pet projects they have on the go.
Angela Knight, the chief executive designate of the British Bankers Association, said: "All along our priority has been the protection of the right of customers to reclaim their monies at any time.
"A key element of the approach proposed within the consultation paper is that even after the transfer of their 'unclaimed assets' individuals will retain the right to reclaim their monies."
The central reclaim fund will hold reserves to enable consumers whose money has been transferred to the fund to get it back. It is unclear how long account holders will have to claim their money back before it is lost forever.
Oh it gets better, not only do Brown and is greedy socialist thieves take your money, but you miss a cut off date - to be decided by them - and its well no actually its our money now. So just go away, oh and dont forget to vote Labour. Oh and if you dont realise that they have some money in a forgotten account, the Government’s appropriating of that money is nothing other than theft, plain and fucking simple. They can not claim back money that they had forgotten all about.
Oh and what happens in the case of relatives who find grannys old account now she has turned up her toes and shuffled off this mortal coil, and see that she wanted to leave her few pennies for a young relative in her will? If that account has been left for say 20 years will that fall outside of thief Browns cut off point? Ah yes, now Gordon is picking the bones off of grannies corpse like the amoral socialist canibalistic cunt that he is.
The process of banks and building societies tracing lost customers and working out which accounts are dormant will be a costly and time-consuming process. Because of this, a host of small building societies and other financial institutions, such as friendly societies, are likely to opt-out under a clause in the new legislation that applies to small financial institutions.
There will be a consultation on how best to spend the money raised from this raid.
Not to worry, I am sure that Brown will dream up another tax so that the banks have to pay for it(or rather account holders when the cost is passed on), or he might just set up another army of government snoopers to enforce it, after all we always need more people on the government payroll. As for consultation on spending the ill gotten gains, you can bet they have this one already worked out well in advance.
Last week, Sir Ronald Cohen, the venture capitalist and Labour donor who is chairman of the Commission on Unclaimed Assets, said he would like at least £250 million of the £400 million to fund a new institution that would help charities gain access to the capital markets. He said that was the minimum needed to set up a Social Investment Bank.
So lets see, you want to take £200 million of other peoples money and use it so that you can set up a "Social Investment Bank" - why not just work with the existing banks and financial businesses? After all working in finance is what they do full time. Whats the odds this "Social Investment Bank" costs an arm and a leg, has a dubious computer system that runs over budget(NHS spring to mind), has a dodgy Labour doner as its head(Sir Ronald Cohen maybe?), is poorly run(CSA springs to mind here) and fails to deliver jack shit to anyone(again CSA/NHS computer fiasco).
Mr Balls will today say: "This is a unique opportunity to provide for worthwhile re-investment in youth services, financial inclusion and capability, while balancing the financial interests of consumers."
Blah blah blah, more un-needed state interference. Amoral thieves the lot of them. Hang the lot of them except for David Blunkett who should be poached to death.
Link to story in Telegraph:Cyclops out to raid grannys old account
Tags: Gordon Brown, Homosexuality, New Labour, Amoral Cunts, Frank Field
Some other bits on Cyclopedian Brown:
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