From the Daily Mail. Jihadists on the beat?
Up to eight police officers and civilian staff are suspected of links to extremist groups including Al Qaeda.
Some are even believed to have attended terror training camps in Pakistan or Afghanistan.
Their names feature on a secret list of alleged radicals said to be working in the Metropolitan and other forces.
**Now I can see no problem with clearing them out, after all a police officers first duty is to protect the public and keep law and order, not to expand "holy jihad" in the name of the Moslem faith.
The dossier was drawn up with the help of MI5 amid fears that individuals linked to Islamic extremism are taking advantage of police attempts to increase the proportion of ethnic staff.
Astonishingly, many of the alleged jihadists have not been sacked because - it is claimed - police do not have the "legal power" to dismiss them.
**Then we as a nation are at risk of these jihadists causing chaos at any time.
We can also reveal that one suspected jihadist officer working in the South East has been allowed to keep his job despite being caught circulating Internet images of beheadings and roadside bombings in Iraq.
He is said to have argued that he was trying to "enhance" debate about the war.
**He should enhancing debate about his p45 and signing on, like most worthless jihadists do.
Classified intelligence reports raising concerns about police staff's background cannot be used to justify their dismissal, sources said.
Instead, the staff who are under suspicion are unofficially barred from working in sensitive posts and are closely monitored. Political correctness is blamed for the decision not to sack them.
**Ah yes, the Human Rights Act again. Thanks a bunch Blair & co for that one.
It is widely feared that "long-term" Al Qaeda sleepers are trying to infiltrate other public sector organisations in the UK.
In November last year, it was revealed that a leading member of an extremist Islamic group was working as a senior official at the Home Office.
MI5 has warned in the past that suspects with "strong links" to Osama Bin Laden's killers have tried to join the British security services and, in January, exiled radical Omar Bakri claimed that Islamic extremists were infiltrating the police and other public sector organisations.
Suspicions are growing that the gang behind the failed London bomb attacks could have received inside information about rescue procedures in the aftermath of an atrocity in the capital.
The Daily Mail can reveal that the second device parked near Haymarket was left at a designated "evacuation assembly point" where civilians and the emergency services would have gathered had the first bomb gone off.
Investigators are trying to establish whether the bombers knew the significance of the location.
Sources said it is unlikely that the Met is the only force which may have been infiltrated by Al Qaeda sympathisers.
Omar Altimimi, a failed asylum seeker jailed for nine years yesterday for hoarding manuals on how to carry out car bombings, had applied to work as a cleaner for the Greater Manchester force.
In a separate development, it is understood that a policeman was removed from his post after concerns about his conduct in the aftermath of a major anti-terrorist operation in the past two years.
For legal reasons, the Mail cannot reveal any more about the case.
The MI5 list of suspected Islamists working in the police is said to have been drawn up in the aftermath of the 7/7 terror attacks in London.
MI5 checked staff details at the Met and other forces with intelligence databases on individuals said to have attended radical Islamic schools - or Madrassas - and terror training camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
It is thought that intelligence files on those who frequently visit pro-Jihad websites and who have associated with so-called preachers of hate were also compared to details of officers and civilian staff in the Met.
As a result of the review, eight officers and civilian staff were identified as Al Qaeda sympathisers or people of concern because of their links to Islamic extremists.
The disclosure will raise concerns about the system for vetting new recruits, each of whom is the subject of counter-terrorism checks to ensure they are suitable to join the police. Scotland Yard's vetting unit is regarded as one of the best in the country.
But sources said it is often impossible to carry out satisfactory checks on recruits who were raised overseas or who have spent considerable periods out of Britain before applying to join the Met.
In such cases, the Met has to rely on overseas agencies to carry out intelligence checks on their behalf. Privately, officials doubt whether certain countries in Africa, Middle East or the Indian sub-continent are able to carry out meaningful vetting.As a result of the Stephen Lawrence public inquiry report, which accused the Met of being "institutionally racist", Scotland Yard has in recent years employed thousands of officers and civilian staff from the ethnic minorities in an attempt to reach recruitment targets.
A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "All employees upon joining the Met and during their careers undergo a range of security checks. These are robust and vary according to the type and sensitivity of individual postings.
"We take matters of security very seriously and if an issue arises, people may be subjected to further assessment.
"This may lead to restrictions in relation to where an individual works in the organisation or whether they are suitable to remain in the service."**Well the new Home Sec. needs to get her arse on the case, clear out the police force of alien terrorists and keep the people of this nation safe from the expanding tentacles of moslem terrorism.
This is how the BBC reports on the conviciton of jihadist filth Omar Altimimi:
A man who stored up what police called a "vast library of terrorist material" has been jailed for nine years.But of course the ever pc BBC doesn't point out how Omar got into this nation in the first place, but The Telegraph has the story:
Omar Altimimi of Bolton, was convicted at Manchester Crown Court of six charges of possession of material for a purpose connected with terrorism
A failed asylum seeker who hoarded manuals on how to carry out car bombings has been jailed for nine years at Manchester Crown Court.
Omar Altimimi, 37, who had links to al-Qa'eda, was a "clean skin" who was unknown as a terror suspect when he arrived in England and applied for jobs with the police and as a teacher.
However, he used multiple identities to cover his tracks and was so successful that police are still unsure of his true identity. He also hoarded computer files detailing how to carry out terror attacks.
Father-of-three Altimimi(not a chance will we be deporting the mans vile hell spawn out of this nation, after all this is Cool Brittania), from Bolton, Lancashire, was found guilty of six counts of possessing material for the purpose of terrorism yesterday, following a four-week trial at Manchester Crown Court. He was also convicted of two charges of money laundering.
Passing sentence today, Recorder of Manchester Judge Maddison said Altimimi was a sleeper for a terrorist organisation.
"It is not known, when, if and how you might have been called upon to play your part," Judge Maddison said. **Probably when they run out of jihadists in the NHS and the police."The offences contrary to the Terrorism Act are, in my view, of the most serious of their kind likely to come before the court."
Altimimi claimed to have no knowledge of the material on his computer. **Oh and is that a pig I see flying above?
But the court heard he was linked to terrorists in the Netherlands and to Junade Feroze, 31, from Blackburn, who was jailed last month for 22 years for his part in bomb plots led by Dhiren Barot, a prominent al-Qa'eda terrorists in the UK.
Altimimi came to Britain from the Netherlands in 2002 claiming asylum for himself, his wife and their three children.
He claimed benefits, including more than £100,000 from the National Asylum Support Service, while applying for jobs with Greater Manchester Police and a local college.
**Oh it gets better and better, he plans our deaths and yet takes money from the Kuffir. Just shows the sort of worthless pigscum who wage holy jihad. He even robs his fellow moslems.
He was arrested in March last year on suspicion of money laundering after £27,000 was stolen from the Yemen Tourist Board.
Detectives searched two homes he kept in Bolton and seized his computer. Files on the computer contained instructions for making bombs, detonators and explosives as well as information on bombing strategies. He also had video clips of executions of hostages in Iraq.
He kept video clips showing Osama bin Laden praising the London bombings of 2005, and information on carrying out suicide bombings on buses, as well as tips on other targets such as stadiums and cinemas.
Police also found a shopping list of common substances used to make explosives and a reference to the use of radioactive radium in bombs. Much of the material was downloaded from a secret, password-protected al-Qa'eda internet site.
Altimimi was given nine years for each of the terror offences and 12 months each for the money laundering offences, all to run concurrently.
Judge Maddison recommended he be deported from the UK when his sentence is completed.
**Well its nice of Judge Maddison to recommend that, but don't hold your breath waiting for it to happen. After all even PM Brown refuses to use the words Islam/Moslem with regards terror attacks. Lastly a poem about our multicultural society...I cross ocean, poor and broke,
Take bus, see employment folk.
Nice man treat me good in there,
Say I need go see Welfare.
Welfare say, "You come no more,
We send cash right to your door."
Welfare checks, they make you wealthy,
Medical aid it keep you healthy!
By and by, Got plenty money,
Thanks to you, taxpayer dummy.
Write to friends in motherland,
Tell them 'come, fast as you can'
They come in turbans and Ford trucks,
I buy big house with welfare bucks.
They come here, we live together,
More welfare checks, it gets better!
Fourteen families, they moving in,
But neighbour's patience wearing thin.
Finally, white guy moves away,
I buy his house, and then I say,
"Find more aliens for house to rent."
In my yard I put a tent.
Send for family they just trash,
But they, too, draw welfare cash!
Everything is very good,
Soon we own whole neighborhood.
We have hobby it called breeding,
Welfare pay for baby feeding.
Kids need dentist? Wife need pills?
We get free! We got no bills!
taxpayer crazy! He pay all year,
To keep welfare running here.
We think England darn good place!
Too darn good for white man race.
If they no like us, they can scram,
Got lots of room in Pakistan.
Did you here that MacDonalds have announced the introduction of their new ‘Flaming MacMuslim Burger’ but regret it’s currently only available at the Glasgow Airport Drive Thru.
A car driven by muslims has reportedly been driven into the Ullswater reservoir. The police say its not linked to the London or Glasgow (Abbotsinch) car ‘bombs’, they believe its the start of RamaDam.
Police have named the terrorist as ‘Sinjed Maheed’!!!!
An Asian NHS doctor won the lottery at the weekend. It is a shame that he can not claim though… He burnt his ticket in a vehicle fire!
The terrorist who wiz driving the jeep at the airport is in hospital reciting poems and eating haggis and shortbread for dinner. Apparently he’s in the Burns unit.
1 can of petrol 5 quid
2 calor gas bottles 42 quid
2nd hand jeep two and a half grand
watchin a suicide bomber burn while a glaswegian knocks lumps out of him….fuckin priceless.
The UN are consulting with Mr Smeaton about him reversing the effects of global warming. He was quoted as saying ‘Peice of pish!’
Only in Glasgow can some guy who sets out on a ?holy jihad? and destiny with 72 virgins in paradise end up on fire from head to toe, having a square go with a bystander and getting maced by the police.
Only in Glasgow do suicide bombers need rescuing from the locals by the Police.
Only in Glasgow when you pop out for a ciggy can you get a lite off a burning suicide bomber’s head.
Some older bits on terrorism in the UK: First off a poem that made me laugh and some more islamodoctors and moslem crossdressing and a swift kick to the knackers and Islamic rage boy and thanks John Smeaton and how the Uk taliban are spastics
Al Qaeda
War on Terror
Glasgow Airport
Glasgow Bombing
Alex McIlveen
John Smeaton
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