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Ed Balls - Labour's very own Piers Fletcher-Dervish.

There are times you think how in the name of all that is holy did the voters put that fuckwit in The House of Commons?

From the BBC

Schools Secretary Ed Balls made a schoolboy error in the Commons when he failed to correctly list the colours of the rainbow.

Describing the cover of a departmental paper with a picture of a rainbow, he said: "Isn't it red, yellow, pink and green, purple and orange and blue?"

He admitted relying on the song "I Can Sing A Rainbow" which wrongly includes pink and mixes up the order of colours.

As MPs laughed he smiled saying: "I was thinking of the song".

While the song is wrong, the correct colours are listed in the mnemonic Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain, which gives the colours in their correct order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

Mr Balls was giving evidence for the first time to MPs on the Children, Schools and Families Committee.

As I stated before, Ed Balls is a sure sign that some gene pools have been allowed to stagnate and interbreed far to much.
A chinless New Labour wonder that shows that in some parts of the country inbreeding is still a major lifestyle choice.
Oh and on top of his wage he blagged £157,076 in expenses. Not bad for what is a walking hatstand.

Ed needs to keep reciting that mnemonic.


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