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Richard Brunstrom - Head mullah of the traffic taliban.

I have covered Richard Brunstrom, head of North Wales police before, this is just a re-cap if you will of one of the more eccentric police officers running things here in the UK:




Brunstrom who when appointed announced that he was "going large" on drivers, has put squillions of speed cameras across his zone of control, described people who drive at 32 in a 30mph zone as "yobs"

At one point North Wales finest under his orders nicked some 32,333 speeding "yobs" in just five months. A nice earner for HM Govt.

He called for cars to be fitted with limiters to stop them going over 70mph no matter what the circumstances. Oh he also turned a blind eye to the 102 drivers in North Wales Police who were caught speeding.

But like the champagne socialists of New Labour who he serves, he also sees nothing wrong with treating himself to a perk out of the public purse. He drives a 140mph E-class Merc, thanks to North Wales taxpayers. I have no idea if a limiter has been fitted to the vehicle?

He is also known for his use of pictures of a man killed in a road accident with permission, calling a press conference to attack a pensioner who had the nerve to complain about a speeding ticket.

His juniors attacked a Tory candidate Felicity Elphick for racism, threatening her with a "swift police response" for complaining that they should not put people in the same category as those they dealt with in Caia Park.

Caia Park was a sink estate that had a riot in 2003 between locals and illegal migrants resulting in 80 arrests.

Then there was his investigations into racism by Tony Blair and The Weakest Link host Anne Robinson over harmless remarks they had made about the Welsh.

He is in favour of legalising heroin and giving out free needles, been photographed dressed as a Druid! Oh and in what is one of the wettest areas of the UK he handed out free sun tan lotion to officers to protect them from skin cancer. How sweet!

Not that he has done much to tackle real crime, the burglary clear up rate was just 6% at one stage.

But the best one was an edict from Mullah Brunstrom to muzzle police dogs in case they bite suspects. He issued a manual training warning that the use of dogs "has the potential to breach human rights".

His plan was that instead of biting, the dog could launches itself like a missile at the suspect. Sgt Ian Massie explained "It is one of the additional options open to us to muzzle our dogs ans get them to use a headbutt."

There we have the state of policing in North Wales!

Tags: Ric


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