

The National Debt Clock.

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New Labour ministers.

Hat tip to reverse for these.
A "gift" of the poison chalice type from one T. Blair, who became PM when Blair left to become a (w)banker. No one voted for him and yet we are stuck with the tax raising liar. Known as cyclops, the clucking/clunking fist, cockmaster, arsehole and many many more colourful phrases.
A non job tree hugger.
And the man who sent a refugee back to Saddam Hussain's Iraq.
Yes he has a banana.
Alleged drunk and thrower of punches at stewards in the Commons.
God botherer and egg enthusiast.
She explains data losses in government when her website was hacked. Her passwords she admitted were Harriet & Harman as her username and password respectively.
Also gets confused over the amount of unemployed people on Question Time...
A teetotal vegan, must a total laugh at parties.
If people ask if exams are dumbing down here in the UK, well its just so Ed can understand them. He is a double of Piers Fletcher-Dervish the fictional Tory MP from The New Statesman and even dumber.
Against co-opting and has led to the deaths of cancer patients. A total scumbag and shit.

Gordon Brown a man who makes me so angry I could punch his lights out

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

All these are already on my "people to kill" list.

Fidothedog said...

Best of luck, most MP's would not even make decent fertilizer!