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New Labour(given up on illegals - 1) - Now we can not arrest illegal barbarians.

Six asylum seekers are claiming up to £300,000 in compensation after they were held in detention following their entry into the UK, it was confirmed today.

Lawyers for the six said the claim had been lodged for up to £50,000 each on grounds of false imprisonment.

The asylum seekers arrived in the UK unaccompanied, saying they were under 18, but did not have documents to prove it, according to reports.

At least three were detained with adults for up to two weeks at an immigration centre while their ages were checked.

Quite what the fuck is going on here? Seriously these illegal migrant scum pour into this nation in the desire for a life of benefits, indolence and a council house. 

They ditch their papers and after being held - don't we have a right to jail people who are here without legal papers anymore? - decide to sue for lots of lovely money.

£50K for a few days in a jail cell, fucking hell give me a cunting week or two and I will be well happy with my £50K 

Watch New Labour cave in, let the barbarian hoards pour across from Europe and our already overcrowded Isles become even fuller. More crime, more race riots, but so long as they vote Labour in time for the next election then Gordon is happy for them to come.

Think they won't bottle it, well remember the Afghani plane hijackers who after threatening to kill the pilots and passengers now have nice homes over here in the UK. Beats a cave in the Tora Bora mountains any day!

Gordon Brown a man who makes me so angry I could punch his lights out


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