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Ed Balls - New Labours Piers Fletcher-Dervish post 8 billion or something.

Yep the pic is our Ed dressed as a Nazi, one socialist showing support for another group?...

Oh Ed has done it again, its like there is some law in the universe that says that there must be a maximum amount of time before Ed Balls can end up looking like a complete useless cunt again. 

Me I happen to think that law is about 2 and a half weeks in duration. After which some universal force puts a message in Ed's brain and normality is resumed.

The ‘blindingly-obvious’ leaflets were printed with the authority of Children’s Secretary Ed Balls Photo: PA

The leaflets, which have been printed with the authority of Children’s Secretary Ed Balls, tells parents that children could be hurt if they fall off rocking horses or ride their new bikes into walls.

(bet you guys reading this did not know that. so consider this a PSA for Americans too, paid for by the wealthy Brit taxpayer.)

It also alerts people to the dangers of tinsel, with a thousand people each year apparently “hurt by trimmings or when decorating their homes.”

The Department for Children, Schools and Families has printed the 150,000 leaflets designed to look like advent calendars, to be distributed through shopping malls and children’s centres “to help make the festive season safe”.

Safety tips featured in “Tis the Season to be Careful” include a warning that parents may cut themselves with knives when trying to prize open presents quickly. 

The leaflets also recommend avoiding decorations like baubles that break easily, as the pieces can be very sharp.

Children’s minister Delyth Morgan said the leaflet would remind parents of safeguards-around the home so they can “make sure Christmas is a time for fun and laughter but not tears”.

Tory junior Children’s spokesman Tim Loughton said: “This is yet more evidence that the DCSF really stands for the Department that Can’t Stop Fiddling.

“It is ironic that a Government Department which has become accident prone for messing up test results, pouring millions into databases that don’t work and failing to protect our most vulnerable children is now spending thousands on producing leaflets to state the blindingly obvious.” 


Lastly a little vid on one Ed Balls aka Piers Fletcher-Dervish.


2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Is this the height of nanny state mothering. I hope because i'd hate to think what could be more pointless and wasteful of taxpayer's money.

Fidothedog said...
