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Why is James Purnell MP such a tosser?

Well it might be that wee Jimmy Purnell has popped up in photos, after the event...

Then he loses stuff, not keys around like the house but ministerial papers from his red box left on a train. Oh and the other day it was his wallet, complete with Parliamentary Security Pass.

Then there was his plan to charge folk on benefits 27% interest per year on emergency loans, currently free, when the BoE are slashing interest rates to 2%.

First up I have a recap of Mr Purnells fuckwittery here - where he gets tough on benefits.

Can someone ask him if he is planning to cut down on sick days at the DWP who are the very people who tell the unemployed to get working....

Yes that is the asshat that is James Purnell, who in the fiscal year 2006/07 trousered a cool £148,064 quid in expenses but could not pay someone to carry his stuff for him....

Labour a huge "gold standard cock-up", amoral, corrupt and evil to the core.

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