

The National Debt Clock.

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Gareth Thomas MP -Taxes are for the little folk.

Claiming back all that lovely tax, oh at your expense of course....Documents filed by Mr Thomas, MP for Harrow West, show that he billed the fees' office for £1087.05 for the cost of "making a claim for repayment of excess Class 1 contributions paid in the 2006/07 tax year (£2,021.71)."

The fee, which was paid in full by the Commons' authorities, also covered the cost of "preparation and submitting the claim of Class 1 National Insurance Contributions for the 2007/078 tax year" by a Middlesex-based chartered accountancy firm.

Mr Thomas, who in the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform is in charge of championing the rights of consumers, defended billing the taxpayer.

Lets have a look at this moon faced cunnys voting record shall we:
He also voted to cover up the House against FOI requests.

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