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Meg Munn MP & her state employed tax advising husband.

Dennis Bates, who is married to the former foreign office minister Meg Munn, was paid to advise Mr Miliband, Gillian Merron, another Foreign Office Minister, and other senior government figures over several years.
Miss Munn worked at the Foreign Office along with Mr Miliband and Mrs Merron until last autumn.

Mr Bates, who is Miss Munn’s paid parliamentary assistant, has also been paid from the public purse to advise his wife on her tax returns.

Last week Miss Munn published her claims on her website, but she blacked out the section which disclosed that she paid her husband for tax advice using her expenses.

All the ministers have recouped the costs of employing Mr Bates from parliamentary allowances intended to fund office expenses. Mr Bates does not appear to work for a professional accountancy firm, although one minister has said that he used to work for HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

The disclosure of his role was made amid growing concern at HMRC over the expense claims – and tax affairs – of MPs. Revenue officials have begun a fresh inquiry into whether MPs should have paid tax on “excessive” expenses claims.

The investigation, which follows a series of disclosures in this newspaper, could lead to the MPs having to pay millions of pounds in tax.

Oh dear, the poor darlings will have to pay the same taxes that they impose on the rest of us.

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