A hat tip to
GOT for the pic of Bob.
Bob "the knob" Ainsworth who is on his hols, no doubt worrying himself about how much compensation he can fleece off of wounded soldiers whilst sunning himself at the taxpayers expense.
You have to hand it to Labour, when it comes to fucking up a war they do a spot on job. Cut the numbers of troops, have no overall mission plan, deprive the troops of the equipment and cut their compensation when they get wounded.
Bob a champagne socialist of the old school sees spending
thousands on decorating his designated second home, submitting bills that included rebuilding the fireplace and fitting oak beams into his ceiling.
In 2007-8, Bob was the joint highest claimant for second home allowances, claiming the maximum amount of £23,083.

It is nice to see that The Times, are ripping this piss poor MP a
new orifice.
Bob Ainsworth is one of those people who should never rise above deputy. I am told that people are snobby about him but I am just confused. Every time I see him — and it happened again yesterday — I cannot believe that he is the Defence Secretary. How did this man, stodgy as porridge, inspiring as a cabbage, get the top job? It feels wrong, as if he were taking part in a job-swap reality TV programme that has gone horribly wrong.
Then we have Bob's attitude to complaints, when he was accused of treating troops with contempt after he dismissed complaints about life-threatening kit shortages as "absolute bollocks".
Bob Ainsworth made the obscene remark during a Commons debate about the problems facing soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Last Thursday's edition of Hansard, the official record of Parliamentary proceedings, records in column 608 how he aggressively interrupted a Tory speaker.
Mr Ainsworth is the first MP to have used the word in the main chamber, according to Hansard's verbatim records, which go back more than 200 years.
The extraordinary incident took place during a speech on Thursday by Tory MP John Baron, who warned that Army top brass were concerned that soldiers were spending too much time on active service.
The MP for Billericay then added: "Troops returning from theatre tell of life-threatening shortages of kit, including body armour, satellite phones, oil to prevent guns jamming and electronic equipment to detect roadside bombs."
At this point, Hansard records that Mr Ainsworth, a former sheet metal worker, made his obscene interjection.
A shocked Tory MP, Tony Baldry, picked up on the comment, asking: "Is that a parliamentary phrase?"
Cuntitude, Bob Ainsworth another one who lives up to that word.
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