A culture of box ticking, pc form filling, pointless targets and justification of ones own budget, departments over staffed with new age political officers who enforce dogma, often working hand in hand with ministers to spin facts to fit the image that suits government. All leading in turn to the gradual removal of free thought and the ability of looking at matters objectively.
From the failure of social services in the Baby P case, through to the NHS, the police, hell any department you care to think of the result is the same.
'The child was killed by members of his own family and not by social services. The very sad fact is that we can't stop people who are determined to kill children.'
During a media briefing on the case on Tuesday, Mrs Shoesmith presented seven graphs aimed at showing her department's progress, and boasted it had 'three-star' services, a reference to its council performance rating.
The graphs showed how many children in care achieved GCSE results, how many were adopted and how many received various health and welfare check-ups within recommended timescales.
As for the fuckers in the picture, the rope and a short drop would have been the best result for all concerned. Closely followed by the hordes of "the righteous", pc box ticking loons that clog up every department, oh and the 600+ political parasites in The Commons who see perks as their God given right.
Hat tips: GOT and flyingwarpigs
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